Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


There is a high demand on networking courses in the various universities in which LORIA is par. This puts high pressure on MADYNES members which are all in charge of numerous courses in this domain. Especially the team professors and associate professors ensure more than the required amount of teaching obligation in their respective institutions: IUT, bachelor, master, TELECOM Nancy, ENSEM and École des Mines de Nancy engineering schools.

Laurent Andrey is the Head of Department of the Charlemagne IUT specialization on multimedia networking.

Olivier Festor is the Director of the TELECOM Nancy Engineering School. Isabelle Chrisment is co-directing the school and is in charge of the students recruitement process. Remi Badonnel is heading the Telecommunications and Networks specialization of the 2nd and 3rd years at the TELECOM Nancy engineering school, and is also in charge of the 2nd year design and development projects at the same school. They teach the networking related courses in this cursus.

Laurent Ciarletta is heading the specialization Safe Systems Architecture of the Computer Science and IT department of the Ecole des Mines de Nancy ("Grande Ecole", Engineering School, Master degree level). He is most notably in charge of Advanced Networking, Middleware, Component-based software development, Pervasive Computing, Networking and Systems courses at the Ecole des Mines de Nancy. Notably, within the ARTEM alliance (ICN - Business School, Mines Nancy, Ecole d'Art / School of Art), he is a member of the Research Comitee, more specifically with the "Smart Working Spaces" research theme, and he is co-responsible for the "Businesses: the digital challenge CORP 3.0, Entreprises : le défi numérique and the Imagineries and the Workspaces, 2 classes within the ARTEM alliance (over 90 hours).

Team members are teaching the following courses:

  • Abdelkader Lahmadi

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Elements of Distributed Computing: algorithms and systems, 20, niveau M2 Ingénieur, ENSEM, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Wireless Sensor Network Programming, 12, niveau M2 Ingénieur, ENSEM, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Operating Systems and C language programming, 30, niveau M1 Ingénieur, ENSEM & Ecole des Mines de Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Real time systems: concepts and programming, 30, niveau M1 Ingénieur, ENSEM, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Relational Database, 20, niveau M1 Ingénieur, ENSEM, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Algorithmic and Programming (Java), 50, niveau L1 Ingénieur, ENSEM, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Computer Architecture ,50, niveau L1 Ingénieur, ENSEM, France

  • Bernardetta Addis

    • Ecole d’ingénieur : Optimisation Discrete et Deterministe, 21, 2A, Université de Lorraine-ENSMN, France

    • Ecole d’ingénieur : Recherche Operationelle, 28, 2A, Université de Lorraine-ENSMN, France

  • Isabelle Chrisment

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Langage C et Shell, 42hTD, niveau L3, Telecom Nancy

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Réseaux et Systèmes, 60hTD, niveau M1, Telecom Nancy

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Réseaux et Systèmes Avancés, 30hTD, niveau M1, Telecom Nancy

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Routage Internet, 50hTD, niveau M2, Telecom Nancy

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Sécurité des Réseaux et des Applications, 18hTD, niveau M2, Telecom Nancy

  • Laurent Andrey

    • Licence : Introduction to networks, 56, niveau L1 (DUT), IUT nancy-Charlemagne, France

    • Licence : Introduction to network services, 38, niveau L2 (DUT), IUT nancy-Charlemagne, France

  • Laurent Ciarletta

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Networking and Information System, 8, niveau L3 Ingénieur, Mines Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Bootcamp (programming bootcamp), 9, niveau M1 Ingénieur, Mines Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Operating Systems, 10, niveau M1 Ingénieur, Mines Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Networking, 27, niveau M1 Ingénieur, Mines Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Advanced Networking and Ambiant Systems, 18, niveau M1 Ingénieur, Mines Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Embedded Systems, 18, niveau M1 Ingénieur, Mines Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Advanced Software Engineering, 18, niveau M1 Ingénieur, Mines Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Android development, 12, niveau M1 and M2 Ingénieur, Collegium Ingenieur and Mines Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Ateliers ARTEM "Smart and new workspaces", 90, niveau M1 and M2 Ingénieur, Collegium Ingenieur and Mines Nancy, Nancy National School of Art, ICN Business School, France

  • Emmanuel Nataf

    • DUT : Introduction to computer system and network, 60, niveau L1, IUT nancy-Charlemagne, France

    • DUT : Network, 30, niveau L1 , IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, France

    • DUT : System, 30, niveau L2, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, France

    • Licence : Network monitoring, 30, niveau L3, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, France

    • Master : Network monitoring, 30, niveau M2, Université de Lorraine, France

  • Olivier Festor

    • Ecole Ingénieur : P2P Algorithms, Protocols and Applications, 12, niveau M2 Ingénieur, Telecom Nancy & ENSEM, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Voix sur IP, Protocols and Applications, 9, niveau M2 Ingénieur, Telecom Nancy, France

  • Rémi Badonnel

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Networks and Services Management, 24, niveau M2 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Cloud Computing, 22, niveau M2 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Industrial Project, 20, niveau M2 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Networks and Systems, 28, niveau M1 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Advanced Courses on Networks and Systems, 28, niveau M1 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Algorithmics, Data Structures and Algebra, 30, niveau L3 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Design and Development Project, 16, niveau M1 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Initiation to Research Project, 18, niveau M1 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Object-Oriented Programming, 32, niveau L3 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : XML Design and Development, 18, niveau L3 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

  • Thibault Cholez

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Principles and architecture of computers (ASM), 18h, niveau L3 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : C and Shell programming, 22h, niveau L3 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Reliable C++ programming, 10h, niveau M2 Ingénieur, TELECOM Nancy, France

  • Thomas Silverston

    • Master : Réseaux Avancés, 57, niveau M2, Université de Lorraine, France

    • Master : Sécurité des réseaux, 45, niveau M2, Université de Lorraine, France

    • Master : Architecture des Réseaux, 22, niveau M1, Université de Lorraine

    • Master : VoIP, 24, niveau M1, Université de Lorraine

    • Master : Introduction aux Réseaux, 26, niveau M2 Math, université de Lorraine, France

    • Master : Convergence IP et Mobilité, 24, M2, Université de Lorraine, France

    • Ecole d'ingénieur : Voix sur IP, 28, 3A, Telecom Nancy, France

    • Master : Convergence et Multimédia, 15, Université de la Réunion

  • Ye-Qiong Song

    • Master : Embedded and Sensor Networks, 8, niveau M2, Université de Lorraine, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Networking, 40, niveau M2, ENSEM - Université de Lorraine, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Wireless Sensor Network protocols, 8, niveau M2 Ingénieur, ENSEM, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Database, 6, niveau M1, ENSEM - Université de Lorraine, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Algorithmic and progamming (Java), 90, niveau L3, ENSEM - Université de Lorraine, France

    • Ecole Ingénieur : Computer Architecture , 30, niveau L1 Ingénieur, ENSEM, France


  • PhD : Oussema Dabebbi, Dynamic risk management in Voice over IP services, defended the 3rd June 2013, supervised by Remi Badonnel and Olivier Festor

  • PhD : Juan Pablo Timpanaro, Monitoring and Security in P2P file sharing networks, defended the 6th November 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment

  • PhD in progress : Martin Barrere, Vulnerability management in autonomic networks and services, since Mar 2011, supervised by Remi Badonnel and Olivier Festor

  • PhD in progress : César Bernardini, Réseau orienté-contenu basé sur les communautés d'utilisateurs, since Nov 2011, supervised by Olivier Festor et Thomas Silverston

  • PhD in progress : François Despaux, Delay evaluation in wireless sensor networks for providing QoS, since Oct 2011, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song and Abdelkader Lahmadi

  • PhD in progress : Patrick Olivier Kamgueu, Routing management in WSNs, since Jun 2012, supervised by Emmanuel Nataf and Olivier Festor in France, Thomas Djotio in Cameroun

  • PhD in progress : Kevin Roussel : Dynamic management of QoS and energy in heterogenous sensor and actuator networks for e-health applications, since Dec 2012, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song

  • PhD in progress : Anthéa Mayzaud, Monitoring and Security in the Internet of Things, since May 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment and Remi Badonnel

  • PhD in progress: Evangelia Tsiontsiou, Multi‐constrained QoS routing for wireless sensor networks with applications to smart space for ambient assisted living, since Oct 2013, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song and Bernardetta Addis

  • PhD in progress : Elian Aubry, Security and Management of Content-Centric Networks, since Oct 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment and Thomas Silverston

  • PhD in progress : Wazen Shbair, An open and flexible architecture for monitoring the uses of Internet, since Dec. 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment and Thibault Cholez

  • PhD in progress : Dorin Maxim, Probabilistic Analysis of Real-Time Systems, since Dec 2013, supervised by Françoise Simonot-Lion and Liliana Cucu-Grosjean

  • PhD in progress : Mohamed Said Seddiki, Allocation des ressource dans la virtualisation des réseaux, since Mar 2013, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song, and by Mounir Frikha in Tunisia


Team members participated to the following Ph.D. defense committees :

  • Yosra Ben Saied, Ph.D in Computer Science from TELECOM SudParis and Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Title: Sécurité Collaborative pour l’Internet des Objets, June 2013. (Isabelle Chrisment)

  • Chrystel Gaber, Ph.D. in computer Science from Université de Caen Basse-Normandie. Title: Sécurisation d'un système de transactions sur terminaux mobiles. October 2013. (Isabelle Chrisment)

  • Leila Benacer, Ph.D in Computer Science from University Paris Est Créteil. Title: Contributions á l'autodiagnostic de pannes dans les réseaux de communication á large échelle. December 2013. (Olivier Festor)

  • Véronique Legrand , Ph.D in Computer Science from INSA Lyon. Title: Confiance et risuqe pour engager un échange en milieu hostile. March 2013. (Olivier Festor)

  • Florian Many, Combinaison des aspects temps réel et Sureté de fonctionnement pour la conception des plateformes avioniques, February 2013. (Françoise Simonot-Lion)

  • Zhe Li, Ph.D. in Computer Science from TELECOM Bretagne. Title Optimization d'un réseau de distribution de contenus géré par un opérateur, January 2013. (Olivier Festor)

  • Sylvain Cherrier, Ph.D in Computer Science from University Paris Est. Title: Architecture et protocoles applicatifs pour la chorégraphie de services dans l'Internet des objets. December 2013. (Olivier Festor)

  • Ludovic Jacquin, Ph.D in Computer Science from University of Grenoble. Title: Compromis Performance Sécurité pour des passerelles très haut débit pour Internet, December 2013. (Olivier Festor)

  • Jamila Ben Slimane, Ph.D in Computer Science from both University of Lorraine and SupCom Tunis. Title: Allocation conjointe des canaux de fréquence et des créneaux e temps et routage avec QdS dans les réseaux de capteurs dans fil denses et étendus, March 2013. (Ye-Qiong Song)

  • Xiaoting LI, Ph.D in Computer Science from University of Toulouse - INPT. Title: Worst-case delay analysis of real-time switched Ethernet networks with flow local synchronization, September 2013. (Ye-Qiong Song)

  • Cédric Mauclair, Ph.D in Computer Science from University of Toulouse - ISAE. Title: Analyse statistique de réseaux embarqués temps réel, September 2013. (Ye-Qiong Song)

  • Juan Lu, Ph.D in Computer Science from University of Toulouse. Title: Modeling, simulation and implementation of an 802.15.4 based adaptive communication protocol in wireless sensor network: application to monitoring the elderly at home, February 2013. (Ye-Qiong Song)

  • Mohamed-Anis Gallas, Ph.D in Architecture Science from University of Lorraine. Title: De l'intégration á la solution architecturale: proposition d'une méthode d'assistance á la prise en compte de la lumière naturelle durant les phases amont de conception, September 2013. (Ye-Qiong Song)

  • Soumeya-Leila Hernane, Ph.D in Computer Science from University of Lorraine. Title: Modèles et algorithmes de partage de données cohérents pour le calcul parallèle distribué á haut débit, June 2013. (Ye-Qiong Song)

Team members participated to the following Habilitation Degree defense committees :

  • Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Habilitation Degree in Computer Science from Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6. Title: Contributions to the Security of EPC/RFID Wireless Technologies, 2013. (Olivier Festor)

  • Martin Quinson, Habilitation Degree in Computer Science from Université de Lorraine. Title: Méthodologies d'expérimentation pour l'informatique distribuée à large échelle, March 2013. (Isabelle Chrisment)