Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Laurent Ciarletta [contact] , Yannick Presse.

Vincent Chevrier (MAIA team, contact), and Benjamin Camus and Julien Vaubourg (MAIA team, LORIA) are contributors for this software.

AA4MM (Agents and Artefacts for Multi-modeling and Multi-simulation) is a framework for coupling existing and heterogeneous models and simulators in order to model and simulate complex systems. The first implementation of the AA4MM meta-model was proposed in Julien Siebert's PhD [49] and written in Java. This version is currently being put into APP (Agence pour la protection des programmes).

This year, we have used this software in a strategic action with EDF R&D in the context of the simulation of smart-grids. Julien Vaubourg started a PhD on this project that is co-directed by Laurent Ciarletta and Vincent Chevrier.