Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Vincent Chevrier [correspondant] , Tomas Navarrete.

This work was undertaken in the PhD Thesis of Julien Siebert, a joint thesis between MAIA and Madynes Team. Laurent Ciarletta (Madynes team, LORIA) has been co-advisor of this PhD and correspondant for this software.

Other contributors to this software were: Tom Leclerc, François Klein, Christophe Torin, Marcel Lamenu, Guillaume Favre and Amir Toly.

MASDYNE (Multi-Agent Simulator of DYnamic Networks usErs) is a multi-agent simulator for modeling and simulating users behaviors in mobile ad hoc network. This software is part of joint work with MADYNES team, on modeling and simulation of ubiquitous networks. It has been updated by Tomas Navarrete with new functionalities for the simulation of scenarii.