Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Olivier Simonin [correspondant] , François Charpillet, Antoine Bautin, Nicolas Beaufort.

Philippe Lucidarme (Université d'Angers, LISA) is a collaborator and the coordinator of the Cart-o-matic project.

Cart-o-matic is a software platform for (multi-)robot exploration and mapping tasks. It has been developed by Maia members and LISA (Univ. Angers) members during the robotics ANR/DGA Carotte challenge (2009-2012). This platform is composed of three softwares tools which are protected by software copyrights (through the Agence pour la Protection des Programmes): Slam-o-matic a SLAM algorithm developed by LISA members, Plan-o-matic a robot trajectory planning algorithm developed by Maia and LISA members, and Expl-o-matic a distributed multi-agent strategy for multi-robot exploration developed by Maia members (which is based on algorithms proposed in the PhD Thesis of Antoine Bautin). Cf. illustration at Cart-o-matic .

The purchase of Cart-o-matic by some robotics companies is underway.