Section: New Results

Analysis of the dynamics of some models for vector-borne diseases with host circulation

In this work we study the dynamics of a vector borne disease on a metapopulation model that accounts for host circulation. For such models, the movement network topology gives rise to a contact network topology, corresponding to a bipartite graph. Under the assumption that the contact network is strongly connected, we can define the basic reproductive number R0 and show that this system has only two equilibria: the so called disease free equilibrium (DFE); and a unique interior equilibrium that exists if, and only if, the basic reproduction number, R0, is greater that unity. We are also able to show that the DFE is globally asymptotically stable, if R01. If R0>1, the dynamics is uniformly persistent and, with further assumptions on the contact network structure, we also show that the endemic equilibrium (EE) is globally asymptotically stable [17] .