Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
- A. Alfonsi:
Modéliser, Programmer et Simuler, second year course at the Ecole des Ponts, France.
Calibration, Volatilité Locale et Stochastique, third-year course at ENSTA (Master with Paris I).
Traitement des données de marché : aspects statistiques et calibration, lecture for the Master at UPEMLV.
- V. Bally:
Mini course (6 hours) for Phd and Post Doc students, Ritzumeikan University, Japan, September 2013.
"The Malliavin calculus and applications in finance", 30 hours, Master 2 Finance University Marne la Vallée,
"Risk methods in acuarial science", 36 hours, Master IMIS, University Marne la Vallée.
- R. Dumitrescu:
Evaluation d'actifs financiers par absence d'opportunité d'arbitrage (3rd year ENSAE, M2 MASEF Dauphine and M2 Modélisation aléatoire Paris Diderot).
- B. Jourdain:
Course "Introduction to probability theory", 1st year, Ecole Polytechnique.
Course "Stochastic numerical methods", 3rd year, Ecole Polytechnique.
Projects in finance and numerical methods, 3rd year, Ecole Polytechnique.
- B. Jourdain, B. Lapeyre:
Course "Monte-Carlo methods in finance", 3rd year ENPC and Master Recherche Mathématiques et Application, university of Marne-la-Vallée
- J.-F. Delmas, B. Jourdain:
Course "Jump processes with applications to energy markets", 3rd year ENPC and Master Recherche Mathématiques et Application, university of Marne-la-Vallée
- D. Lamberton: Master course “Calcul stochastique et applications en finance", Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée.
- B. Lapeyre:
Monte-Carlo methods in finance, 3rd year ENPC and Master Recherche Mathématiques et Application, University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
"Finance : mathematical and numerical aspects", 2nd year ENPC, professor, 15 hours/year
- J. Lelong:
Oct. 2012 – May 2013 : supervisor of 2 third year students from Ensimag to work on an adaptive Monte Carlo method for jump diffusion models. See the research report “Importance sampling for jump processes and applications to finance” I am co-responsible for the Financial Engineering major at Ensimag.
Lectures on “Parallel programming in financial mathematics” at Ensimag (third year course)
Lectures on “Monte-Carlo methods in financial engineering” at Ensimag (third year course)
Lectures on “Numerical methods for pricing American options” at Ensimag (third year course)
Lectures on “Martingales and stochastic approximation” at Ensimag (third year course)
Lectures on “Interest rate and Foreign exchange derivatives” at Ensimag (third year course)
Lectures on “Numerical programming in C++” at Ensimag (second year course)
Supervision of third year students for a long term project on “Pricing structured products”
Supervision of second year students for long term projects on numerical finance.
- A. Sulem:
Master of Mathematics, "Numerical methods in Finance", Luxembourg University, 20 hours
Master course, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, Department "Mathématiques et Informatique de la Décision et des Organisations" (MIDO), Master MASEF, 21 hours “Numerical Methods for PDEs in Finance"
- José Infante Acevedo, Méthodes et modèles numériques appliquées aux risques du marché et à l'évaluation financière, Université Paris-Est, December 9 2013, Adviser: A. Alfonsi and T. Lelièvre.
-Ayech Bouselmi, "Processus de Lévy et options américaines", University of Marne la Vallée, December 11 2013, Adviser : D. Lamberton.
- Maxence Jeunesse, "Etude de deux problèmes de contrôle stochastique : Put Americain avec dividendes discrets et principe de programmation dynamique avec contraintes en probabilités", Université Paris-Est, 29 january 2013, Adviser: B. Jourdain.
- Clément Rey: ENPC and UPMLV. Weak error analysis of discretization schemes for some financial processes. Advisers: A. Alfonsi and V. Bally (from Oct. 2012).
- Pierre Blanc: Modeling the price impact of limit and market orders. Adviser: A. Alfonsi. (from Nov. 2012).
- Anis Al Gerbi : Discretization of stochastic differential equations and systemic risk modeling. Adviser B. Jourdain (from Sept. 2013).
- J. Reygner, Longtime behaviour of particle systems : applications in physics, finance and PDEs, Advisers: B. Jourdain and L. Zambotti (from Sept. 2011).
- A. Kritoglou, Stochastic modelling for ferromagnetic materials, Since sept. 2013 : Advisers: J. Lelong and S. Labbé (from Sept. 2013).
- R. Dumitrescu, Reflected BSDEs with jumps, 2nd year : Advisers: A. Sulem and R. Elie (from Sept. 2012).
- Victor Rabiet, On a class of jump type stochastic equations, Adviser : V. Bally (from Sept. 2009).
- Paolo Pigato, Lawer bounds for the density of the solution of SDE's under the weak Hörmander condition, and applications in finance, Advisers: V. Bally and A. Dai Pra.
- Ernesto Palidda (Since September 2010), Crédit Agricole, Operation Research group, Adviser: B. Lapeyre (from Sept. 2010).
- Marouen Iben Taarit (from September 2013), Cifre industrial contract Natixis/ENPC, Adviser: B. Lapeyre.
- Jyda Mint Moustapha (Since November 2012), IFSTTAR, Adisers: D. Daucher and B. Jourdain.
Participation to PhD committees
Myriana Grigorova, Quelques liens entre la théorie de l'intégration non-additive et les domaines de la finance et de l'assurance, (President of the committee), Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires (LPMA), Université Paris VII, October 18 2013
Fabien Guilbaud, Contrôle optimal dans des carnets d'ordres limites, (President of the committee), LPMA, Université Paris VII, 1 February 2013