Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams

  • Title: Guaranteed Application Performance on Idle Data Center Resources

  • Inria principal investigator: Arnaud Legrand

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Walfredo Cirne (Google Inc. (United States))

    • David P. Anderson (University of California Berkeley - Space Sciences Laboratory)

  • Duration: 2009 - 2014

  • See also: http://mescal.imag.fr/membres/derrick.kondo/ea/ea.html

  • Data centers are often 85% idle as they must over-provision to ensure service level agreements. At the same time, high data center utilization is essential for efficient resource usage and optimal revenue. One way to improve utilization is for low-priority applications to use the idle resources of data centers, allowing high-priority applications to preempt them at any time. While users benefit from the lower costs of using these idle resources, parallel applications such as Map-Reduce can suffer severe overheads and unpredictable performance due to unexpected preemption and unavailability. The goal of this project is to enable complex applications to utilize idle data center resources with guaranteed performance. Our approach will be as follows. First, we will investigate novel statistical methods to predict the execution time of complex batch applications. Second, we will apply machine learning methods to predict idleness in data centers. Third, we will craft fair scheduling algorithms for multiple applications that compete for idle data center resources. The collaboration bridges experts in statistical modeling and simulation from the Inria MESCAL team with system and scheduling experts in the Berkeley BOINC team and the Google Infrastructure team.

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
  • MESCAL has strong connections with both UFRGS (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and USP (Sao Paulo, Brazil). The creation of the LICIA common laboratory (see next section) has made this collaboration even tighter.

  • MESCAL has strong bounds with the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, within the (Joint Laboratory on Petascale Computing (see next section).

  • MESCAL also has long lasting collaborations with University of California in Berkeley and a new one with Google. Arnaud Legrand visited Berkeley and the Inria Grenoble hosted the yearly BOINC workshop in 2013.

Inria International Labs

North America
  • JLPC (Joint Laboratory on Petascale Computing) with University of University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. Several members of MESCAL are partners of this laboratory, and have done several visits to Urbana-Champaign or NCSA. One Mescal Postdoc (Slim Bougherra) spent one year in Urbana-Champaign.

  • Associated Team with Berkeley. MESCAL is thus involved in the Inria@SiliconValley program.

Participation In other International Programs

South America
  • LICIA. The CNRS, Inria, the Universities of Grenoble, Grenoble INP and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul have created the LICIA (Laboratoire International de Calcul intensif et d'Informatique Ambiante). On the French side, the laboratory is co-directed by Yves Denneulin and Jean-Marc Vincent, both from the MESCAL team.

    The main themes are artificial intelligence, high performance computing, information representation, interfaces and visualization as well as distributed systems.

    More information can be found at http://www.ufrgs.br/sisinfo/?ai1ec_event=terceira-reuniao-do-licia&instance_id= .