Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Inria Large Scale Initiative
HEMERA, 2010-2012 Leading action "Completing challenging experiments on Grid'5000 (Methodology)" (see ).
Experimental platforms like Grid'5000 or PlanetLab provide an invaluable help to the scientific community, by making it possible to run very large-scale experiments in controlled environment. However, while performing relatively simple experiments is generally easy, it has been shown that the complexity of completing more challenging experiments (involving a large number of nodes, changes to the environment to introduce heterogeneity or faults, or instrumentation of the platform to extract data during the experiment) is often underestimated.
This working group explores different complementary approaches, that are the basic building blocks for building the next level of experimentation on large scale experimental platforms.
ARC Inria
Meneur 2011-2013: Partners: EPI Dionysos, EPI Maestro, EPI MESCAL, EPI Comore, GET/Telecom Bretagne, FTW, Vienna (Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien), Columbia University, USA, Pennsylvania State University, USA, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France, Orange Labs.
The goal of this project is to study the interest of network neutrality, a topic that has recently gained a lot of attention. The project aims at elaborating mathematical models that will be analyzed to investigate its impact on users, on social welfare and on providers' investment incentives, among others, and eventually propose how (and if) network neutrality should be implemented. It brings together experts from different scientific fields, telecommunications, applied mathematics, economics, mixing academy and industry, to discuss those issues. It is a first step towards the elaboration of a European project.
Clouds@home, 2009-2013. Partners: Inria Grenoble (MESCAL, MOAIS), Inria Lyon (GRAAL), Inria Saclay (GRAND-LARGE).
The overall objective of this project is to design and develop a cloud computing platform that enables the execution of complex services and applications over unreliable volunteered resources over the Internet. In terms of reliability, these resources are often unavailable 40% of the time, and exhibit frequent churn (several times a day). In terms of "real, complex services and applications", we refer to large-scale service deployments, such as Amazon's EC2, the TeraGrid, and the EGEE, and also applications with complex dependencies among tasks. These commercial and scientific services and applications need guaranteed availability levels of 99.999% for computational, network, and storage resources in order to have efficient and timely execution.
ANR SONGS, 2012-2015. Partners: Inria Nancy (Algorille), Inria Sophia (MASCOTTE), Inria Bordeaux (CEPAGE, HiePACS, RunTime), Inria Lyon (AVALON), University of Strasbourg, University of Nantes.
The last decade has brought tremendous changes to the characteristics of large scale distributed computing platforms. Large grids processing terabytes of information a day and the peer-to-peer technology have become common even though understanding how to efficiently exploit such platforms still raises many challenges. As demonstrated by the USS SimGrid project funded by the ANR in 2008, simulation has proved to be a very effective approach for studying such platforms. Although even more challenging, we think the issues raised by petaflop/exaflop computers and emerging cloud infrastructures can be addressed using similar simulation methodology.
The goal of the SONGS project (Simulation of Next Generation Systems) is to extend the applicability of the SimGrid simulation framework from grids and peer-to-peer systems to clouds and high performance computation systems. Each type of large-scale computing system will be addressed through a set of use cases and led by researchers recognized as experts in this area.
Any sound study of such systems through simulations relies on the following pillars of simulation methodology: Efficient simulation kernel; Sound and validated models; Simulation analysis tools; Campaign simulation management.
ANR MARMOTE, 2013-2016. Partners: Inria Sophia (MAESTRO), Inria Rocquencourt (DIOGEN), PRiSM laboratory from University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Telecom SudParis (SAMOVAR), University Paris-Est Créteil (Spécification et vérification de systèmes), Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie/LIP6.
The project aims at realizing a software prototype dedicated to Markov chain modeling. It gathers seven teams that will develop advanced resolution algorithms and apply them to various domains (reliability, distributed systems, biology, physics, economy).
ANR NETLEARN, 2013-2015. Partners: PRiSM laboratory from University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Telecom ParisTech, Orange Labs, LAMSADE/University Paris Dauphine, Alcatel-Lucent, Inria (MESCAL).
The main objective of the project is to propose a novel approach of distributed, scalable, dynamic and energy efficient algorithms for managing resources in a mobile network. This new approach relies on the design of an orchestration mechanism of a portfolio of algorithms. The ultimate goal of the proposed mechanism is to enhance the user experience, while at the same time to better utilize the operator resources. User mobility and new services are key elements to take into account if the operator wants to improve the user quality of experience. Future autonomous network management and control algorithms will thus have to deal with a real-time dynamicity due to user mobility and to traffic variations resulting from various usages. To achieve this goal, we focus on two central aspects of mobile networks (the management of radio resources at the Radio Access Network level and the management of the popular contents users want to get access to) and intend to design distributed learning mechanisms in non-stationary environments, as well as an orchestration mechanism that applies the best algorithms depending on the situation.
National Organizations
Jean-Marc Vincent is member of the scientific committees of the CIST (Centre International des Sciences du Territoire).