Section: New Results

Coupling methods and variance reduction

Participant : Mathias Rousset.

Recently, M. Rousset has initiated a research topic on variance reduction techniques (called ”asymptotic”) for the simulation of stochastic models of particles. The point is to use a macroscopic (or model reduced) equation as a control variate; or in other words, to use the information of a macroscopic description to decrease the statistical error of the simulated microscopic evolution.

A first step in this program has been achieved for a microscopic model describing the individual motion of bacteriae with a Markovian velocity-jump process. The macroscopic equation is an advection-diffusion equation called the chemotaxis equation. In [30] , the pobabilistic derivation of the chemotaxis equation from the individual motion of bacteriae have been carried out in a rigorous way. In [31] , a numerical method simulating the individual evolution of bacteriae with ”asymptotic” variance reduction have been proposed.

Motivated by the asymptotic variance reduction of DSMC methods (particle Monte-Carlo methods simulating low density fluids modeled by kinetic equations), the work in [50] , M. Rousset considers space homogenous Boltzmann kinetic equations in dimension d with Maxwell collisions (and without Grad's cut-off). An explicit Markov coupling of the associated conservative (Nanbu) stochastic N-particle system is constructed, using plain parallel coupling of isotropic random walks on the sphere of two-body collisional directions. The resulting coupling is almost surely decreasing, and the L2-coupling creation is computed explicitly. Some quasi-contractive and uniform in N coupling / coupling creation inequalities are then proved, relying on 2 + α-moments (α > 0) of velocity distributions; upon N-uniform propagation of moments of the particle system, it yields a N-scalable α-power law trend to equilibrium. The latter are based on an original sharp inequality, which bounds from above the coupling distance of two centered and normalized random variables (U,V)d, with the average square parallelogram area spanned by (U-U*,V-V*), (U*,V*) denoting an independent copy. Two counter-examples proving the necessity of the dependance on > 2-moments and the impossibility of strict contractivity are provided. The paper, (mostly) self-contained, does not require any propagation of chaos property and uses only elementary tools.