Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Invited Talks
“Future generation of tactile stimulators”: F. Giraud, Haptic Forum organized by the Femto-ST (november 30th)
“Past interfaces still have a future”: N. Roussel, LIRMM, Montpellier (April 11th)
“Perception-action coupling for Human-Computer Interaction”: N. Roussel, Inria Executive Committee (February 6th)
Journal reviewing
Transactions on Computing and Cultural Heritage (ACM): T. Pietrzak, D. Marchal
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE): F. Chevalier
Technique et Science Informatique (Lavoisier) special issue on big data visualization: F. Chevalier (program committee)
Conference organization
ACM CHI : G. Casiez, PC member and member of the best paper committee; N. Roussel, video showcase co-chair
ACM UIST : F. Chevalier, PC member
ACM EICS : N. Roussel, PC member
IHC (Simpósio de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais): N. Roussel, PC member
IHM : N. Roussel, co-president; F. Chevalier, tutorials and workshops co-chair; G. Casiez & T. Pietrzak, PC members
fOSSa : N. Roussel, PC member
Journée IHM-IA: N. Roussel, co-organizer
EPE 2013 : B. Semail, general chairman
Conference reviewing
ACM CHI : G. Casiez, F. Chevalier, T. Pietrzak, N. Roussel
ACM UIST : G. Casiez, F. Chevalier
ACM EICS : N. Roussel
IHC (Simpósio de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais): N. Roussel
IHM : G. Casiez, F. Chevalier, T. Pietrzak, D. Marchal
Scientific associations
AFIHM, the French speaking HCI asssociation: N. Roussel and T. Pietrzak, members of the Executive Committee (vice-president and secretary from November 2011 to November 2013)
EPE, European Power Electronic association: B.Semail is member of the steering commitee