Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Thierry Viéville is in charge, at the Inria national level, of the institute science outreach actions and depends on the Direction de la Recherche for this part of his work.
Member of the scientific committee of the CNRS PEPS program, of the local Inria committee for invited professors (F. Alexandre).
Expert of the ITMO 'Neurosciences, Sciences Cognitive, Neurologie, Psychiatrie' (F. Alexandre)
Review activities
Reviewing for journals: Plos One, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Applied Intelligence, Cognitive Computation, J. Physiol. (F. Alexandre); Neural Networks, Neurocomputing (N. Rougier); Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (T. Viéville).
Member of program committees of conferences: CAP, EMBS, TAIMA (F. Alexandre)
Reviewing for the Fonds Recherche Quebec, the CNRS, the ANR and several french regional and territorial agencies and universities (F. Alexandre)
Workshops, conferences and seminars
Organization of conferences and workshops:
Member of the organizing committee of the annual symposium of the CNRS GDR “Multi-electrodes”, in charge of the tutorial day (F. Alexandre, october)
Invited speaker and seminars:
Invited talk to the CNRS 'STIC-Santé' GDR day: “Computer Science and the Brain” (N. Rougier, november)
Invited Talk to the “Robotics and the Living”, Conference organized by the Cergy-Pontoise university (N. Rougier, december)
Invited Talks “Scientific Visualization” for the JDEV 2013 days (N. Rougier, september)