Section: Research Program
Integrative and Cognitive Neuroscience
The human brain is often considered as the most complex system dedicated to information processing. This multi-scale complexity, described from the metabolic to the network level, is particularly studied in integrative neuroscience, the goal of which is to explain how cognitive functions (ranging from sensorimotor coordination to executive functions) emerge from (are the result of the interaction of) distributed and adaptive computations of processing units, displayed along neural structures and information flows. Indeed, beyond the astounding complexity reported in physiological studies, integrative neuroscience aims at extracting, in simplifying models, regularities in space and functional mechanisms in time. From a spatial point of view, most neuronal structures (and particularly some of primary importance like the cortex, cerebellum, striatum, hippocampus) can be described through a regular organization of information flows and homogenous learning rules, whatever the nature of the processed information. From a temporal point of view, the arrangement in space of neuronal structures within the cerebral architecture also obeys a functional logic, the sketch of which is captured in models describing the main information flows in the brain, the corresponding loops built in interaction with the external and internal (bodily and hormonal) world and the developmental steps leading to the acquisition of elementary sensorimotor skills up to the most complex executive functions.
Three important characteristics are worth mentioning concerning these loops. Firstly, each of them sets a closed relation between the central nervous system and the rest of the world. This includes the external world (possibly including other intelligent agents), but also the internal world, with hormonal, physiological and bodily dimensions. Secondly, each of these loops can be described as a loop relating sensations to actions, in the wide sense of these terms: effectively, action can refer to acting in the real world, but also to modifying physiological parameters or controling neuronal activation. These loops have different constants of time, from immediate reflexes and sensorimotor adjustments to long term selection of motivation for action, the latter depending on hormonal and social parameters. Thirdly, each of the loops performs a learning reinforced by a primary (physiologically significant) or pseudo reward (sub-goal to be learned). As an illustration, we can mention respondent conditioning detecting stimuli anticipatory of primary rewards, episodic learning detecting multimodal events, and also more local phenomena like self-organization of topological structures. The gradual establishment of these loops and their mutual interactions give an interpretation of the resulting cognitive architecture as a synergetic system of memories.
In summary, integrative neuroscience builds, on an overwhelming quantity of data, a simplifying and interpretative grid suggesting homogenous local computations and a structured and logical plan for the development of cognitive functions. They arise from interactions and information exchange between neuronal structures and the external and internal world and also within the network of structures.
This domain is today very active and stimulating because it proposes, of course at the price of simplifications, global views of cerebral functioning and more local hypotheses on the role of subsets of neuronal structures in cognition. In the global approaches, the integration of data from experimental psychology and clinical studies leads to an overview of the brain as a set of interacting memories, each devoted to a specific kind of information processing [47] . It results also in longstanding and very ambitious studies for the design of cognitive architectures aiming at embracing the whole cognition. With the notable exception of works initiated by [43] , most of these frameworks (e.g. Soar, ACT-R), though sometimes justified on biological grounds, do not go up to a connectionist neuronal implementation. Furthermore, because of the complexity of the resulting frameworks, they are restricted to simple symbolic interfaces with the internal and external world and to (relatively) small-sized internal structures. Our main research objective is undoubtly to build such a general purpose cognitive architecture (to model the brain as a whole in a systemic way), using a connectionist implementation and able to cope with a realistic environment.