Section: New Results

Applications to micro-algae

Participants : Térence Bayen, Matthieu Sebbah.

An originality developed within the Biocore Inria project-team is to couple a bioreactor that cultivate micro-algae with an anaerobic digester, that uses micro-algae as a substrate that is then converted into valuable bio-gaz (methane). As micro-algae are micro-organisms whose growth is limited by light, one has to take into account periodic day-night model of the light. In [59] , [61] , control laws that maximize the biogaz production in this periodic framework have been proposed (see Section 6.3.5 ). In the framework of the Inria Project Lab “Algae in Silico” (see Section 8.2 ) and the Inria-CIRIC Center in Chile (see Section 8.4 ), several extensions and collaborations with Biocore Inris project-team are scheduled for the coming year.