Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • A. Rousseau is a member of the editorial board of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S (DCDS-S).

  • F. Lemarié and A. Rousseau organized a mini-symposium «Domain Decomposition Methods for Environmental Modeling» during the DD22 international conference in Lugano (Switzerland) [47] .

  • C. Prieur is a member of the editorial board of the section “états de l’art" of Journal of the French Statistical Society (SFdS).

  • C. Prieur is in the scientific committee of the SAMO 2013 conference which will be held in Nice in july 2013, jointly with MASCOT NUM annual conference. The SAMO conference has now (since September 2013) a permanent board. C. Prieur is a member of that board.

  • C. Prieur, E. Blayo, A. Rousseau have taken part in 2013 to the wide consortium of the Prospective think tank: MATHématiqueS en INteractions pour la TERRE whose purpose is to help the French National Research AgencyNR defining the research-founding program on the theme Mathematics for the Earth.

  • C. Prieur was in the scientific committee of the Journées MAS 2013 (SMAI) which were held in Clermont-Ferrand in august 2012.

  • C. Prieur and L. Viry organize jointly with H. Monod and R. Faivre (INRA) a school on sensitivity analysis for environmental models (les Houches, 7-12 April, 2013; 4-9 May, 2014).

  • C. Prieur is a member of the scientific council of the French Mathematical Society (SMF).

  • C. Prieur is member of the board of the group mathematical statistics of the French society of statistics (SFdS) since 2008.

  • C. Prieur organized a session on sensitivity analysis in the Journées MAS (SMAI) 2013.

  • C. Prieur organized a session on statistical estimation for PDE in the SMAI workshop 2013.

  • M. Nodet co-organised with S. Labbé and Ch. Prieur the annual workshop of the GDRE research group in Grenoble, http://ljk.imag.fr/membres/Maelle.Nodet/GDRE2013

  • A. Vidard is deputy scientific leader to data assimilation for the NEMO consortium

  • F.-X. Le Dimet participates in the organisation of the Sasaki Symposium in the framework of AOGS 2013 (Brisbane, June 2013) and of the Coupling Systems with heterogeneous information ERC (Rennes, January 2014)

  • Since 2010, Ch. Kazantsev is the Director of the IREM of Grenoble http://www-irem.ujf-grenoble.fr/irem/accueil/ . The Institute is under rapid development now, joining about 30 teachers of secondary schools of the Grenoble region and 15 university professors. They work together 16 times a year on the development of the teaching strategy for the educational community. In addition to this, IREM is the editor of two journals: "Grand N" destined to primary schools teachers and "Petit x" – to the secondary schools.