Section: New Results

CO2 Storage

Participant : Céline Helbert.

In collaboration with Bernard Guy (EMSE, Saint-Etienne) and more specifically in the context the PhD of Joharivola Raveloson (EMSE, Saint-Etienne), we are interested in the study of the water-rock interactions in the case of CO2 storage in geological environment. This work is following the study of Franck Diedro in the same subject [87] . In this study we focus on the scale of observation of geochemical phenomena while taking into account the heterogeneity of the reservoir. This heterogeneity at small and large scale helps to maintain a local variability of the chemical composition and influence reaction rates at the pore as well at the reservoir scale. To connect the parameters at both scale (pore and reservoir) we use deterministic and stochastic simulations of a reactive transport code developed by IFPEN.