Section: New Results

Unconventional Models for Large Computations and Platforms

Participants : Marko Obrovac, Christine Morin, Cédric Tedeschi.

Chemical computing at large scale

Participants : Marko Obrovac, Cédric Tedeschi.

One of the commonly cited problem when dealing with chemistry-inspired computing is its lack of experimental validation. The DHT-based runtime developed recently, in the framework of Marko Obrovac's PhD thesis  [13] , has been deployed over the Grid'5000 platform with promising results. This runtime is now mature enough for being considered as a viable candidate to underlie a distributed workflow engine  [32] .

Template workflows

Participants : Christine Morin, Cédric Tedeschi.

In the framework of the DALHIS associate team (http://project.inria.fr/dalhis ), we plan to combine the high-level template workflow language TIGRES (http://tigres.lbl.gov/home ), developed by our partner team from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBL) with the workflow management system developed in the team  [17] . This work started with the development of a parser of TIGRES.