Section: Dissemination
- Roberto Cascella
- Christine Morin
is a member of the Project-Team Committee of Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique (Comité des projets), Référent Chercheur for Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique , Coordinator of the Inria@Silicon Valley program (in collaboration with Inria DRI) until August 2013, member of the scientific council of ENS Cachan. She is the coordinator of Contrail European project.
- Nikos Parlavantzas
is the local coordinator for the international exchange of students at the computer science department of Insa.
- Jean-Louis Pazat
is the leader of the “Large Scale Systems” department of IRISA. He is member of the Steering committee (conseil d'administration) of Insa Rennes. He is a member of the Computer Science Department committee and member of the IRISA-INSA Lab committe. He is the local coordinator for the international exchange of students at the computer science department of Insa.
- Thierry Priol
is the director of the Inria European Partnership department.
- Cédric Tedeschi
is a member of the administration council of the EECS departement of the University of Rennes 1.