Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence 1 : Massimiliano Muratori, TP de physique, 45 h, L1, Ecole d'ingénieurs Polytech.
Licence 2 : Rodrigo Cofre, Traitement du signal, 50h, L2, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
Licence 2 : Massimiliano Muratori, TD d'électromagnetisme , 18h, L2, Ecole d'ingénieurs Polytech.
Licence 3 : Hassan Nasser, Electronique numérique, 36h, L3, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
License 3 : Hassan Nasser, Microprocesseurs, 28h, L3, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Master 2: Bruno Cessac, Neuronal dynamics, 36 hours, Master of Computational Biology and Biomedicine, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
Master 2: Olivier Faugeras, Etienne Tanré (TOSCA EPI) and Romain Veltz, teach the module Mathematical Methods for Neuroscience, M2, ENS Paris, France. The teaching load is mostly distributed between Etienne Tanré and Romain Veltz, 24h each.
PhD: Javier Baladron, «Parallel implementations of mean field and neural field equations», Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2013, supervised by Olivier Faugeras.
PhD: Diego Fasoli, «Mean-field theory of realistic spiking neurons», Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2013, supervised by Olivier Faugeras.
PhD in progress: Hassan Nasser, «Reproducing and anticipating retinal responses», defence planned in March 2014, supervised by Bruno Cessac.
PhD in progress: Rodrigo Cofre-Torres, «Statistics of spike trains and neuronals structures», defense planned in 2014, supervised by Bruno Cessac.
PhD interrupted: Massimiliano Muratori, « Mean field equations for neural networks and synaptic correlations», supervised by Bruno Cessac. The student has decided to stop his PhD after one year to teach in college.
PhD in progress: Kartheek Medathati, « Perception du mouvement et attention: Des neurosciences à la vision artificielle», defence planned in 2016, co-supervised by Pierre Kornprobst and Guillaume Masson (Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, UMR 6193, CNRS, Marseille, France).
Bruno Cessac. Jury member of Diégo Fasoli's PhD thesis "Mean-field theory of realistic spiking neurons". Nice, 25-09-2013.
Bruno Cessac. Reviewer of Christophe Magnani's PhD Thesis, “Analyse Sinusoïdale Quadratique de la Fonction Neuronale”, Paris Descartes, 10-12-13.
Olivier Faugeras, Chair of the Jury of Mikhail Bogdanov PhD Thesis, Nice 9-12-2013.
Olivier Faugeras, Reviewer for the HDR manuscript of Christophe Pouzat, Paris-Descartes, 10-2013.