Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Lucas Langwagen
    • Subject: Numerical differentiation of noisy piecewise regular signal

    • Date: from Apr 2013 until Aug 2013

    • Institution: University of the Republic (Uruguay)

  • Leonid Fridman
    • Subject: State Observation and Parameter Identification in Hybrid Systems via High-Order Sliding-Modes

    • Date: June 2013 until July 2013

    • Institution: UNAM (Mexico)

  • Héctor Rios
    • Subject: State Observation and Parameter Identification in Hybrid Systems via High-Order Sliding-Modes

    • Date: June 2013 until July 2013

    • Institution: UNAM (Mexico)

  • Emmanuel Cruz
    • Subject: State Observation and Parameter Identification in Hybrid Systems via High-Order Sliding-Modes

    • Date: November 2013 until December 2013

    • Institution: UNAM (Mexico)

  • Tonametl Sanchez
    • Subject: State Observation and Parameter Identification in Hybrid Systems via High-Order Sliding-Modes

    • Date: November 2013 until December 2013

    • Institution: UNAM (Mexico)

  • Emilia Fridman
    • Subject: Time-delay and Hybrid Systems

    • Date: June 2013 until July 2013

    • Institution: Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Visits to International Teams

  • G. Zheng, Zhejiang University, China, May 2013