Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Apprentissage Adaptatif pour le Crowdsourcing Intelligent et l'Accès à l'Information (ALICIA) is a 3.5-year project, starting in February 2014, supported by the ANR CONTINT call. The project is coordinated by Bogdan Cautis, with Nicole Bidoit, Melanie Herschel, and Ioana Manolescu. Its goal is to study models, techniques, and the practical deployment of adaptive learning techniques in user-centric applications, such as social networks and crowdsourcing.

Cloud-Based Organizational Design (CBOD) is a 4-year project accepted by the ANR in 2013 and is currently under financial negotiation. The project is coordinated by prof. Ahmed Bounfour from Univ. Paris-Sud . Its goal is to study and model the ways in which cloud computing impacts the behavior and operation of companies and organizations, with a particular focus on the cloud-based management of data, a crucial asset in many companies.

Datalyse is funded for 3.5 years as part of the Investissement d'Avenir - Cloud & Big Data national program. The project is led by the Grenoble company Eolas, a subsidiary of Business & Decision. It is a collaboration with LIG Grenoble, U. Lille 1, U. Montpellier, and Inria Rhône-Alpes aiming at building scalable and expressive tools for Big Data analytics.

LabEx, IdEx

Structured, Social and Semantic Search is a 3-year project started in October 2013, financed by the LabEx (Laboratoire d'Excellence) DigiCosme . The project aims at developing a data model for rich structured content enriched with semantic annotations and authored in a distributed setting, as well as efficient algorithms for top-k search on such content.

BizModel4Cloud is a one-year interdisciplinary research project funded under a Projet Exploratoire Premier Soutien (PEPS) call joint between the CNRS and the IdEx Paris Saclay. It reunites the same partners as the ANR CBOD project of which it is an initial, short version.