Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Jean-Christophe Bach:

  • Member of the LORIA laboratory council

  • Member of the organizing committee of the “Journées GDR–GPL” colocated with the AFADL and CIEL conferences

Christophe Calvès

  • Member of the organizing committee of the “Journées GDR–GPL” colocated with the AFADL and CIEL conferences

Horatiu Cirstea:

  • PC member of RuleML 2013 (International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications).

  • PC member of SCSS 2013 (International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in Software Science).

  • Steering committee of RULE.

  • Responsible for the Master speciality “Logiciels: Théorie, méthodes et ingénierie”.

  • Member of the organizing committee of the “Journées GDR–GPL” colocated with the AFADL and CIEL conferences

Sergueï Lenglet:

  • Member of the organizing committee of the “Journées GDR–GPL” colocated with the AFADL and CIEL conferences

  • Invited speaker at the “Journées LAC”

  • Reviewer for the TCS (Theoretical Computer Science) journal

Pierre-Etienne Moreau:

  • Member of the GDR–GPL (CNRS Research Group on Software Engineering) board.

  • Member of the national committee for Inria “Médiation Scientifique”.

  • Head of the local committee for Inria “détachements” and “délégations”.

  • Head of the Computer Science department at Ecole des Mines de Nancy.

  • President of the organizing committee of the “Journées GDR–GPL 2013” colocated with the AFADL and CIEL conferences

  • PC member of SLE 2013 (6th International Conference on Software Language Engineering), SCSS 2013 (5th International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in Software Science),

  • Member of the organizing committee of WASDeTT 2013 (4th International Workshop on Academic Software Development Tools and Techniques)

Sorin Stratulat:

  • Member of the LITA Laboratory Council.

  • Member of the program committee of the 9th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS ’13)

  • Member of the program committee of the 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS'13)

  • Member of the program committee of the 5th International Symposium of Symbolic Computation in Software Science (SCSS '13)

  • Tutorial speaker at the Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2013)

  • Speaker at

    • Workshop on Inductive Theorem Proving 23-24 November 2013, Imperial College London, UK

    • LIX Colloquium on the Theory and Application of Formal Proofs, 5-7 November 2013, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

    • Workshop on Proof Search in Axiomatic Theories and Type Theories (PSATTT), 8 November 2013, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France