Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: T. Bourke & J. Vuillemin, “Digital Systems”, 64h, L3, Ecole normale supérieure, France
Licence: L. Mandel, “Systèmes”, 42h, L3, Université Pars-Sud 11, France
Licence: L. Mandel & M. Pouzet, “Systèmes et réseaux”, 24h+24h, L3, Ecole normale supérieure, France
Licence: L. Mandel, “Langages de programmation et compilation”, 24h, L3, Ecole normale supérieure, France
Master: L. Mandel & M. Pouzet, “Synchronous Systems”, 8h+16h, M2, MPRI: Ecole normale supérieure and Université Paris Diderot, France
Master: A. Cohen & F. Zappa Nardelli, “Semantics, languages and algorithms for multicore programming”, 9h+14h, M2, MPRI: Ecole normale supérieure and Université Paris Diderot, France
Licence: “Components of a Computing System Introduction to Computer Architecture and Operating Systems” (L3), A. Cohen (44h), École Polytechnique, France
Master 1 École Polytechnique: “Operating Systems Principles and Programming” (M1), A. Cohen (38h), École Polytechnique, France
Marc Pouzet is supervising the national entry exam in computer science for École normale supérieure.
Marc Pouzet is director of studies (“Directeur des études”) for the CS department of École normale supérieure.
PhD : Léonard Gérard, Programmer le parallélisme avec des futures en Heptagon un langage synchrone flot de données et étude des réseaux de Kahn en vue d'une compilation synchrone, Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay. Soutenue le 25 septembre 2013, au LRI, à Orsay.
PhD : Cédric Pasteur, Raffinement temporel et exécution parallèle dans un langage synchrone fonctionnel, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), soutenue le 26 novembre 2013, au Collège de France. Encadrants: Louis Mandel et Marc Pouzet.
PhD in progress : Guillaume Baudart, Real-time fidelity in Quasi-synchronous Systems, Start: 1/10/2013, Timothy Bourke and Marc Pouzet
PhD in progress : Robin Morisset, Compiler Optimisations and Concurrency, 1/10/2013, F. Zappa Nardelli
Albert Cohen was the president of the Habilitation Thesis committee of Fabien Coelho, MINES ParisTech.
Albert Cohen was the president of the PhD thesis committee of Bruno Bodin, UPMC (CIFRE Kalray).
Albert Cohen was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Martin Schindewolf at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Albert Cohen was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Daniel Cordes at TU Dortmund.
Albert Cohen was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Yuriy Kashnikov, UVSQ.
Albert Cohen was an examiner in the PhD thesis committee of Thomas Preud'Homme, UPMC.
Marc Pouzet was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Boris Golden, École Polytechnique.
Marc Pouzet was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Gideon Smeding, Université de Grenoble.