Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

We have organized the following workshops:

  • HCAN'13: Workshop on Assistive Technologies - http://phoenix.inria.fr/hcan13

  • International Workshop on “Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment”, in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'2013) - http://www.lissi.fr/iros-ar

Charles Consel has been involved in the following events as

  • Program Committee member of

    • ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2013, the New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER Track)

    • 10th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC). ICAC 2013 will be held in conjunction with the 2013 Usenix Federated Conference Week (FCW), and will take place on June 26th-28th, 2013, in San Jose, CA.

    • ICSE 2014

  • Invited speaker at

    • Yale University March 29th (DiaSuite Approach)

    • Fraunhofer Ctr. for Exp. Soft. Eng., College Park, Maryland (DiaSuite Approach)

    • MAPLS Mid-Atlantic Programming Language Seminar, University of Maryland (UMD) (DiaSuite Approach)

    • HCIL seminar, University of Maryland (UMD) (Personalizing Assisted Living)

    • University of Montreal, Université du Québec à Montréal (QaM), University of Sherbrooke (DiaSuite Approach)

    • McGill University (Design-Driven Development of Dependable Applications: A Case Study in Avionics)

    • the David Schmidt Fest, Kansas State University Sept, 2013 (DiaSuite Approach)

    • Research Institute for Geriatrics of the University of Montreal (CRIUGM) (Personalizing Assisted Living)

Charles Consel is a member of Quebec Network for Research on Aging and he participate to the project "Dépistage précoce de la démence : Utilisation novatrice des environnements intelligents pour détecter les difficultés rencontrés dans la vie quotidienne" (2013-2015).

Emilie Balland has been involved in the following events as

  • Program Committee member of

    • SLE'13: 6th International Conference on Software Language Engineering

    • GPCE'13: 12th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (collocated with SPLASH'13, incl. OOPSLA'13)

    • WGP'13: 9th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming (collocated with ICFP'13)

    • WASDETT'13: 4th International Workshop on Academic Software Development Tools and Techniques (collocated with ECOOP'13)

  • Invited speaker at

    • ETH Zurich, Switzerland, August 2013.

David Daney has been involved in the following events as

  • Organizer and Program Committee member of

    • IROS 2013 workshop on Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment, IROS'13, Tokyo.

  • Invited speaker at

    • National Days of Robotics Research, JNRR'13, Annecy

    • 2nd Workshop of National Expertise Center in Robotics, Evry

    • Inria Scientific Day, Rennes

D. Daney is coordinator of the Inria Project Lab Personally Assisting Living (IPL PAL) – see http://pal.inria.fr

Hélène Sauzéon has been involved in the following events as

  • Reviewer for the following journals

    • Gerontology

    • BMC Geriatrics

    • Applied Psycholinguistics

    • Experimental Aging Research

    • Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

  • Invited speaker at

    • Workshop – Alzheimer, Approche pluri-disciplinaire :de la recherche clinique aux avancées technologiques, Toulouse, Jan. 2013.