Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
HomeAssist: Platform for Assisted Living
The objective of this project is to provide an open platform of digital assistance dedicated to aging in place. This project is in collaboration with researchers in Cognitive Science (Bordeaux University) and the UDCCAS Gironde (Union Départementale des Centres Communaux d’Action Sociale) managing elderly care. This project includes a need analysis, the development of assistive applications and their experimental validation.
This work is funded by CARSAT Aquitaine (“Caisse d'Assurance Retraite et de la Santé au Travail”), Aquitaine Region and Conseil Général de la Gironde.
Cognitive Assistance for Supporting the Autonomy of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
The objective of this project is to develop assistive technologies enabling people with intellectual disabilities to gain independence and to develop self-determined behaviors, such as making choices and taking decisions. This project is in collaboration with the “Handicap et Système Nerveux” reserach group (EA 4136, Bordeaux University), the TSA Chair of UQTR (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) in Psychology and the Association Trisomie 21 Gironde (Down’s Syndrom). The TSA chair has recently designed and built a smart apartment that is used to conduct experimental evaluation of our assistive technologies in realistic conditions.
Certification of an open platform
The purpose of this project is to define concepts and tools for developing certifying open platforms. This certification process must ensure a set of critical properties (e.g., safety, confidentiality, security) by certifying each tier application. These guarantees are essential to ensure that openness does not come at the expense of the user's well-being. To preserve the innovation model of open platforms, this certification process should also be as automatic as possible. Indeed, the success of open platforms is mainly due to the low development cost of a new application. The case study of this thesis will be the domain of home automation. The results of this thesis will be put into practice in the DiaSuiteBox open platform.
This project is funded by Aquitaine Region.