Section: New Results
Solving Systems over the Reals and Applications
On the Boolean complexity of real root refinement
In [32] we assume that a real square-free polynomial
On the minimum of a polynomial function on a basic closed semialgebraic set and applications
In [17] we give an explicit upper bound for the algebraic degree and an explicit lower bound for the absolute value of the minimum of a polynomial function on a compact connected component of a basic closed semialgebraic set when this minimum is not zero. We also present extensions of these results to non-compact situations. As an application, we obtain a lower bound for the separation of two disjoint connected components of basic closed semialgebraic sets, when at least one of them is compact.
Rational solutions to Linear Matrix Inequalities and Sums of Squares
Consider a
Exact Voronoi diagram of smooth convex pseudo-circles: General predicates, and implementation for ellipses
In [10] we examine the problem of computing exactly the Voronoi diagram (via the dual
Delaunay graph) of a set of, possibly intersecting, smooth convex
pseudo-cirlces in the Euclidean plane, given in parametric form.
Pseudo-circles are (convex) sites, every pair of which has at most two
intersecting points.
The Voronoi diagram is constructed incrementally. Our
first contribution is to propose robust and efficient algorithms,
under the exact computation paradigm,
for all required predicates,
thus generalizing earlier algorithms for non-intersecting ellipses. Second, we focus on InCircle , which is the hardest predicate,
and express it by a simple sparse
Patience of Matrix Games
In [15] , for matrix games we study how small
nonzero probability must be used in optimal strategies. We show that
A polynomial approach for extracting the extrema of a spherical function and its application in diffusion MRI
Antipodally symmetric spherical functions play a pivotal role in diffusion MRI in representing sub-voxel-resolution microstructural information of the underlying tissue. This information is described by the geometry of the spherical function. In [14] we propose a method to automatically compute all the extrema of a spherical function. We then classify the extrema as maxima, minima and saddle-points to identify the maxima. We take advantage of the fact that a spherical function can be described equivalently in the spherical harmonic (SH) basis, in the symmetric tensor (ST) basis constrained to the sphere, and in the homogeneous polynomial (HP) basis constrained to the sphere. We extract the extrema of the spherical function by computing the stationary points of its constrained HP representation. Instead of using traditional optimization approaches, which are inherently local and require exhaustive search or re-initializations to locate multiple extrema, we use a novel polynomial system solver which analytically brackets all the extrema and refines them numerically, thus missing none and achieving high precision. To illustrate our approach we consider the Orientation Distribution Function (ODF). In diffusion MRI the ODF is a spherical function which represents a state-of-the-art reconstruction algorithm whose maxima are aligned with the dominant fiber bundles. It is, therefore, vital to correctly compute these maxima to detect the fiber bundle directions. To demonstrate the potential of the proposed polynomial approach we compute the extrema of the ODF to extract all its maxima. This polynomial approach is, however, not dependent on the ODF and the framework presented in this line of work can be applied to any spherical function described in either the SH basis, ST basis or the HP basis.
Improving Angular Speed Uniformity by Reparameterization
In [20] we introduce the notion of angular speed uniformity as a quality measure for parameter-izations of plane curves and propose an algorithm to compute uniform reparameterizations for quadratic and cubic curves. We prove that only straight lines have uniform rational parameterizations. For any plane curve other than lines, we show how to find a rational reparameterization that has the maximum uniformity among all the rational parameterizations of the same degree. We also establish specific results for quadratic and certain cubic Bézier curves.
Formalization and Specification of Geometric Knowledge Objects
[7] presents our work on the identification, formalization, structuring, and specification of geometric knowledge objects for the purpose of semantic representation and knowledge management. We classify geometric knowledge according to how it has been accumulated and represented in the geometric literature, formalize geometric knowledge statements by adapting the language of first-order logic, specify knowledge objects with embedded knowledge in a retrievable and extensible data structure, and organize them by modeling the hierarchic structure of relations among them. Some examples of formal specification for geometric knowledge objects are given to illustrate our approach. The underlying idea of the approach has been used successfully for automated geometric reasoning, knowledge base creation, and electronic document generation.
A Framework for Improving Uniformity of Parameterizations of Curves
In [16] we define quasi-speed as a generalization of linear speed and
angular speed for parameterizations of curves and use the uniformity
of quasi-speed to measure the quality of the parameterizations. With
such conceptual setting, a general framework is developed for
studying uniformity behaviors under reparameterization via proper
parameter transformation and for computing reparameterizations with
improved uniformity of quasispeed by means of optimal single-piece,