Section: Research Program

Research Program

Mathematical models that characterize complex biological phenomena are complex numerical models which are defined by systems of ordinary differential equations when dealing with dynamical systems that evolve with respect to time, or by partial differential equations when there is a spatial component to the model. Also, it is sometimes useful to integrate a stochastic aspect into the dynamical systems in order to model stochastic intra-individual variability.

In order to use such methods, we are rapidly confronted with complex numerical difficulties, generally related to resolving the systems of differential equations. Furthermore, to be able to check the quality of a model, we require data. The statistical aspect of the model is thus critical in its way of taking into account different sources of variability and uncertainty, especially when data comes from several individuals and we are interested in characterizing the inter-subject variability. Here, the tool of reference is mixed-effects models.

Mixed-effects models are statistical models with both fixed effects and random effects, i.e., mixed effects. They are useful in many real-world situations, especially in the physical, biological and social sciences. In particular, they are well-adapted to situations where repeated measurements are made on the same individual/statistical unit.

Popix develops new methods for estimation of complex mixed-effects models. Some of the extensions to these models that Popix is actively researching include:

  • models defined by a large system of differential equations

  • models defined by a system of stochastic differential equations

  • mixed hidden Markov models

  • mixture models and model mixtures

  • time-to-event models

  • models including a large number of covariates

It is also important to clarify that Popix is not meant to be a team of modelers; our main activity is not to develop models, but to develop tools for modelers. Indeed, we are of course led via our various collaborations to interact closely with modelers involved in model development, in particular in the case of our collaborations with modeling and simulation teams in the pharmaceutical industry. But Popix is not in the business of building PKPD models per se.

Lastly, though pharmacometrics remains the main field of interest for the population approach, this approach is also appropriate to address other types of complex biological phenomena exhibiting inter-individual variability and necessitating therefore to be described by numerical and statistical models. We have already demonstrated the relevance of the developed approaches and tools in diverse other domains such as agronomy for characterizing corn production, and cellular biology for characterizing the cell cycle and the creation of free radicals in cells. Now we wish to push on to explore new areas of modeling such as for the respiratory system and blood flow. But again, it is not within the scope of the activities of Popix to develop new models; instead, the goal is to demonstrate the relevance of the population approach in these areas.