Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Member of the Board of Mathematics Licence (EFU de Licence de mathématiques), UPMC.

    • Co-organizer of the monthly workgroup “Humaniste” focusing on mathematics applied to humanities, alternatively taking place at UPMC, UP7D and Orléans and jointly handled by LJLL, MAPMO and CAMS.

    • Member of the think-tank for first-year programs in Mathematics at UPMC.

    • Member of the IREM (Institutes for Research on Mathematics Teaching) Scientific Committee.

    • Co-organizer of the conference "Multiscale multiphysics modelling for the respiratory system", with C. Grandmont and B. Grec,

    • Co-organizer of first-year ending workshop of the Kindymo project, with J.-P. Nadal and A. Vignes.

  • Muriel Boulakia

    • Organization of the workshop "Mathematical Aspects of Fluid-Structure Interactions", IHP (Paris), November 2013

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Member of the Postdocs Selection Committee, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt

    • Mini-symposium on Advanced numerical methods for fluid mechanics, ENUMATH 2013, August 26-30, Lausanne, Switzerland (organized with E. Burman and A. Ern).

    • Mini-symposium on Fluid-structure interaction and fictitious domain methods, SMAI 2013, 6ème biennale française des mathématiques appliquées et industrielles, May 27-31, 2013, Seignosse Le Penon, France (organized with S. Boyaval and L. Monasse).

    • Member of the "Ramón y Cajal" Program selection committee, mathematics section, Ministry of research, development and innovation (Spain).

    • Member of the committee CEA-EDF-Inria summer school on Numerical methods for interface problems in fluid and solids with discontinuities, June 23-July 4, 2014, Cadarache (with P. Massin and J. Segré).

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Editor-in-Chief of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN)

    • Member of the editorial boards of International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (IJNMBE) and of Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics.

    • Service activity at Inria: Délégué Scientifique / Chairman of the project-teams' committee of Inria Paris-Rocquencourt research center; Member of the Inria Evaluation Committee; Member of the Inria International Chairs committee.

    • Service activity in other French institutions: Member of the Mathematics Faculty Concil of University P. & M. Curie Paris 6 (conseil de l'UFR 929); member of the scientific committee of the Faculty of Science, University Versailles Saint-Quentin; member of the scientific committee of Labex NUMEV, Montpellier.

    • Service activity abroad: member of the Reference Committee of the PhD program Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering (Politecnico di Milano, Italy);

    • Organizing Committee of the SIAM APDE 2013 conference. Orlando, USA.

    • Scientific Committee of the ENUMATH 2013 conference. Lausanne, Switzerland.

    • Advisory Committee of the 3rd International conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE 2013). Hong-Kong

  • Céline Grandmont

  • Jessica Oakes

    • International Society of Aerosol Medicine Student Forum Leader. September 2013 - Present.

    • 4th International Conference on Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenitial Heart Disease. Sub-Organizer. November 2013 - Present.

  • Elisa Schenone

    • Co-organizer of the monthly Junior Seminar of Inria Paris-Rocquencourt

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Member of the Scientific committee of the collaborative platform DiscInNet .

    • President of thematic comittee CT3 (Biomedical Simulation and Applications to Health) of GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif – National Large Equipement for Intensive Computation)

    • Member of several Evaluation Groups of the Canadian Granting Agency NSERC (mainly Mechanical Engineering, but also Mathematics)

  • Marina Vidrascu

    • Member of the Postdocs Selection Committee, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt

  • Irène Vignon-Clementel

    • Review Editor of Frontiers in Pediatric Cardiology

    • Organizing the monthly seminar at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt on “modeling and scientific computing”

    • Inria: member of the “Conseil d'orientation scientifique et technologique” (scientific and technologic orientation council) of Inria, in the subgroup “GT Actions Incitatives” (incentive action working group), PhD grant committee

    • Mediator between PhD students and their supervisors for Inria Paris-Rocquencourt

    • Coordinator of the associated team CARDIO between REO and Prof. Taylor's lab at Stanford University, USA and colleagues both at Inria and in the USA (2008-present)


  • Grégory Arbia

    • Contributed talk, Congrès SMAI , Seignosse, France, May 2013.

    • Contributed talk, Modelling of physiological flows , Chia, Italy, June 2013.

    • Inria Junior Seminar, January 2013 Inria Junior Seminar, January 2013

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Seminar, Numerical analysis, Irmar, Univ. Rennes 1, January 2013

    • Seminair, MIP, Univ. Toulouse 3, February 2013.

  • Muriel Boulakia

    • Seminar, Univ. Darmstadt (Germany), february 2013

    • Seminar, Maths-Club, Univ. Paris-Diderot, march 2013

    • Contributed talk, Workshop Control of fluid-structure systems, Paris, november 2013

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Talk at minisymposium, SMAI 2013, 6ème biennale française des mathématiques appliquées et industrielles, May 27-31, 2013, Seignosse Le Penon

    • Seminar, University of Montpellier, May

  • Benoit Fabrèges

    • Contributed talk, M3RS ending conference, UPMC Paris 6, June 2013

    • Contributed talk, 3th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, 16-18 December 2013, Hong Kong, China

    • Seminar, Nantes, January 2013

    • Contributed talk, Journée Dynamo 2013, March 2013, Orléans

    • Seminar, Strasbourg, May 2013

  • Justine Fouchet-Incaux

    • Seminar at "Groupe de Travail des Thésards", March 2013, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris 6

    • Poster, VIIIème congrès de Physiologie, de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique (P2T’13), April 2013, Angers

    • Seminar at "Groupe de Travail Numérique", May 2013, Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay

    • Talk at minisymposium "Calcul scientifique et pathologies pulmonaires", Congrès SMAI 2013, May 27-31, Seignosse,

    • Seminar of "Analyse Numérique et Equations aux Dérivées Partielles" team, June 2013, Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay

    • Contributed talk, workshop "Multiscale multiphysics modelling for the respiratory system", ANR M3RS ending conference, June 2013, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris 6

    • Poster, colloque EDP-Normandie, October 2013, Caen

    • Invited speaker, workshop "BioPhysMath", December 2013, Nice

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Invited conference, Workshop “EDP Normandie”, Caen, 2013

    • Seminar Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, November, 2013

    • Seminar Université de Rouen, February 2013.

    • Talk at minisymposium, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equation, Orlando, USA, 2013

    • Talk at minisymposium, USNCCM, Raleigh, USA, 2013

    • Talk at minisymposium, ECCOMAS, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2013

  • Céline Grandmont

    • Invited speaker, Opening day of GDR Metice, May 2013, Paris

    • Contributed talk, Minisymposium, Equadiff 13, sept. 2013, Prague, Czech Republic

    • Invited speaker, PDEs and Dynamical system in Biology, Oct. 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel

    • EDP Seminar, Univ Paris-Sud, oct. 2013

  • Matthieu Hillairet

    • Invited talk at Mathematical Aspects of Fluid-Structure Interactions, November 4-8, Paris,

    • Invited talk at Asymptotic behaviour of systems of PDE arising in physics and biology: theoretical and numerical points of view, November 6-8, Lille

    • Seminar, University of Paris 13, November

    • Seminar, University of Avignon, November

    • Seminar, University of Toulouse, December

    • Seminar, University of Lyon, December

  • Mikel Landajuela

    • Contributed talk, 12th U.S National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12), Raleigh, USA, July 22-25, 2013

  • Damiano Lombardi

    • Contributed talk “Tom Hughes 70”, San Diego USA, February 2013.

  • Ayman Moussa

    • Workshop Kinetic Days (Toulouse, April 2013)

    • M3RS Ending Conference (LJLL, June 2013)

    • Workshop Math Bio (Versailles, March 2013)

    • Numerical Analysis/PDE Seminar (ENS Ker Lann, October 2013)

    • MFO “Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems” (Oberwolfach, December 2013)

    • Numerical Analysis/PDE Seminar (ENS Cachan, December 2013)

  • Jessica Oakes

    • Talk and poster, 19th International Congress of the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine, Chapel Hill, USA, April 2013.

    • Poster, University of California, San Diego Research Exposition. April 2013.

    • Poster, Whitaker Grantee Orientation, July 2013.

    • Inria Junior Seminar, October 2013.

  • Sanjay Pant

    • Contributed talk and poster, 4th International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart held in conjunction with the 16th International conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Sep 22–26, 2013, Nagoya, Japan.

  • Elisa Schenone

    • Contributed talk at V International Symposium on Modelling Of Physiological Flows - MPF2013, June 11-14, 2013

    • Contributed talk at Mini Symposium on Cardiovascular Biomechanics at APCOM&ISCM2013, Singapore, December 11-14, 2013.

    • 2nd Feel++ Users Days, January 23-25, 2013

    • Matinée "Contrôle" avec Alfio Quarteroni, LJLL, 21 mars 2013

  • Saverio Smaldone

    • 5th International Symposium on Modelling of Physiological Flows (MPF 2013), Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy, 11-14 June 2013;

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Keynote speaker 11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, April 3-7, 2013, Salt Lake City, Utah

    • Keynote speaker at Annual Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society, CAIMS 2013, Quebec City, June 16 - 20 (joint work with Deleuze, TWH. Sheu)

    • 4th CREST-SBM International Symposium, 13-14 March 2013, Tokyo, Japan.

    • International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering (LS&BE'13), 15-17 March, 2013, Tokyo (joint work with Y. Deleuze, TWH. Sheu, M. )

    • 2013 International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering (LS&BE'13), 15-17 March, 2013, Tokyo (joint work with M. Solovchuk, TWH. Sheu)

    • 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Beijing, China, April 29 - May 2, 2014 Passat N. )

  • Marina Vidrascu

    • Plenary talk 22st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, September 16-20, 2013 - Università della Svizzera italiana - Lugano, Switzerland

    • Seminar Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions, Paris 6 UPMC, October, 2013

  • Irène Vignon-Clementel

    • Contributed talk in honor of TJR Hughes 70th birthday, FEF2013, Feb 24th-27th, San Diego, USA

    • Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California San Diego, Feb 28th, San Diego, USA

    • Plenary, CREST-SBM conference, March 13th-14th, Tokyo, Japan

    • Invited lecture (3h), University of Tokyo, March 15th, Tokyo Japan

    • Contributed talk, BIS' workshop, May 20th-21rst, Paris, France

    • Invited talk, GDR Metice, June 17th-19th, Paris, France

    • Contributed talk, MAFELAP, June 10th-13th, London, UK

    • Seminar, Department of Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, June 12th, London, UK

    • Invited talk, Multiscale multiphysics modelling for the respiratory system workshop, June 26th-27th, Paris, France

    • Contributed talk, USNCCM12, July 22nd-25th, Raleigh, USA

    • Seminar, Demi-heure de science, Inria, Sept 12th, Rocquencourt, France

    • Evaluation seminar, associated team CARDIO 2008-2013, Oct 9th, Online

    • Contributed talk, 3rd International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Dec 15th-18th, Honk-Hong, China