ROMA - 2013
Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Energy-aware checkpointing of divisible tasks with soft or hard deadlines

In this work [20] , we aim at minimizing the energy consumption when executing a divisible workload under a bound on the total execution time, while resilience is provided through checkpointing. We discuss several variants of this multi-criteria problem. Given the workload, we need to decide how many chunks to use, what are the sizes of these chunks, and at which speed each chunk is executed. Furthermore, since a failure may occur during the execution of a chunk, we also need to decide at which speed a chunk should be re-executed in the event of a failure. The goal is to minimize the expectation of the total energy consumption, while enforcing a deadline on the execution time, that should be met either in expectation (soft deadline), or in the worst case (hard deadline). For each problem instance, we propose either an exact solution, or a function that can be optimized numerically. The different models are then compared through an extensive set of experiments.