ROMA - 2013
Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

On the minimum edge cover and vertex partition by quasi-cliques problems

A γ-quasi-clique in a simple undirected graph is a set of vertices which induces a subgraph with the edge density of at least γ for 0<γ<1. A cover of a graph by γ-quasi-cliques is a set of γ-quasi-cliques where each edge of the graph is contained in at least one quasi-clique. The minimum cover by γ-quasi-cliques problem asks for a γ-quasi-clique cover with the minimum number of quasi-cliques. A partition of a graph by γ-quasi-cliques is a set of γ-quasi-cliques where each vertex of the graph belongs to exactly one quasi-clique. The minimum partition by γ-quasi-cliques problem asks for a vertex partition by γ-quasi-cliques with the minimum number of quasi-cliques. In this work [60] , we show that the decision versions of the minimum cover and partition by γ-quasi-cliques problems are NP-complete for any fixed γ satisfying 0<γ<1.