Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
The Aloha associate-team is a joint project of the Roma team and of the Information and Computer science Department of the University of Hawai`i (UH) at Mānoa, Honolulu, USA. Building on a vast array of theoretical techniques and expertise developed in the field of parallel and distributed computing, and more particularly application scheduling, we tackle database questions from a fresh perspective. To this end, this proposal includes:
a group that specializes in database systems research and who has both industrial and academic experience, the group of Lipyeow Lim (UH);
a group that specializes in practical aspects of scheduling problems and in simulation for emerging platforms and applications, and who has a long experience of multidisciplinary research, the group of Henri Casanova (UH);
a group that specializes in the theoretical aspects of scheduling problems and resource management (the Roma team).
The research work focuses on the following three thrusts: