Section: Dissemination


Brice Goglin is in charge of the diffusion of the scientific culture for the Inria Research Center of Bordeaux. He is also a member of the national Inria committee on Scientific Mediation. He gave numerous talks about high performance computing and research careers to general public audience and school student, as well as several radio and paper interviews about Inria's activities.

Brice Goglin and Bertrand Putigny wrote two popularization papers about High-Performance Computing in the Interstices online journal.

Brice Goglin and François Tessier presented research careers at the Aquitec student exhibition.

Paul-Antoine Arras , Sylvain Henry , Bertrand Putigny and François Tessier gave a hands-on introduction to programming to 30 teenagers at the Fete de la Science. Brice Goglin was in charge of a numeric science popularization game during that same event.

Samuel Thibault presented his research work in a local elementary school.