Section: Software and Platforms



Participants : Thomas Dufaud, Jocelyne Erhel [correspondant] , Grégoire Lecourt, Aurélien Le Gentil, Géraldine Pichot.

The software platform H2OLab is devoted to stochastic simulations of groundwater flow and contaminant transport in highly heterogeneous porous and fractured geological media. It contains a database which is interfaced through the web portal H2OWeb. It contains also software modules which can be used through the interface H2OGuilde. The platform H2OLab is an essential tool for the dissemination of scientific results. Currently, software and database are shared by the partners of the h2mno4 project (see 8.2.1 ). Software integrated in the platform and registered at APP are GW-UTIL, GW-NUM, PARADIS, MP-FRAC.

See also the web page http://h2olab.inria.fr .


Participants : Jocelyne Erhel, Grégoire Lecourt, Aurélien Le Gentil, Géraldine Pichot [correspondant] .

  • Version: version 1.0, May 2008

  • APP: registered

  • Programming language: C++

  • See also: http://h2olab.inria.fr .

  • Abstract: The software GW-UTIL allows to discretize PDE for flow and transport in aquifers and to deal with stochastic models. It contains a set of utilitary modules for geometry, input, output, random numbers, visualization, parallel computing, numerical algorithms, etc. A package is devoted to launch applications.

  • Current work: refactoring.


Participants : Thomas Dufaud, Jocelyne Erhel, Grégoire Lecourt, Aurélien Le Gentil, Géraldine Pichot [correspondant] .

  • Version: version 1.0, May 2008

  • APP: registered

  • Programming language: C++

  • See also: http://h2olab.inria.fr .

  • Abstract: The software GW-NUM is a set of generic modules to discretize PDE of flow and transport in 2D computational domains in order to deal with stochastic models. Methods for flow simulations are either Finite Volume on structured meshes or Mixed Finite Element with unstructured meshes. Method for transport simulations is a particle tracker for advection and a random walker for diffusion. Uncertainty Quantification method is Monte-Carlo. For flow computations, the involved linear system is solved by external software devoted to sparse matrices.

  • Current work: refactoring.


Participants : Thomas Dufaud, Jocelyne Erhel, Aurélien Le Gentil, Géraldine Pichot [correspondant] .

  • Version: version 1.0, May 2008

  • APP: registered

  • Programming language: C++

  • See also: http://h2olab.inria.fr .

  • Abstract: The software MP-FRAC aims at modelling and simulating numerically flow in a fractured aquifer. The physical domain is a network of fractures, either deterministic or stochastic, with a permeability field either deterministic or stochastic. The software computes the velocity field in the aquifer, by assuming that the medium is saturated and that flow is steady-state. Physical equations are stochastic PDEs, handled by a Monte-Carlo method. This non intrusive approach generates a set of random samples, which are used for simulations. Then, the software analyzes statistically the flow in the stochastic case. The objective is to characterize hydraulic properties in Discrete Fracture Networks. The software MP-FRAC handles a simulation corresponding to one sample, whereas Monte-Carlo method is implemented in a generic way by the software GW-NUM. The software is specific of the physical model (Discrete Fracture Network) and of the application (steady-state flow). Generic numerical methods to discretize PDE are implemented in the software GW-NUM.

  • Current work: refactoring and design of libraries.


Participants : Jocelyne Erhel, Grégoire Lecourt, Aurélien Le Gentil, Géraldine Pichot [correspondant] .

  • Version: version 1.0, May 2008

  • APP: registered

  • Programming language: C++

  • See also: http://h2olab.inria.fr/ .

  • Abstract: The software PARADIS aims at modelling and simulating numerically flow in a porous aquifer and transport by convection-diffusion of an inert solute. The porous medium is heterogeneous, with a stochastic or deterministic permeability field. A first step computes the velocity filed in the aquifer, by assuming that the medium is saturated and that flow is steady-state. A second step computes the distribution of solute concentration, by assuming a transport by convection and by molecular diffusion. Physical equations are stochastic PDEs, handled by a Monte-Carlo method and discretized by numerical methods. This non intrusive approach generates a set of random samples, which are used for simulations. Then, the software analyzes statistically the flow in the stochastic case. The objectives are to determine asymptotic laws of transport, to characterize pre-asymptotic behavior and to define global laws.

    The software PARADIS handles a simulation corresponding to one sample, whereas Monte-Carlo method is implemented in a generic way by the software GW-NUM. The software is specific of the physical model (heterogeneous porous medium) and of the application (steady-state flow then transport with macro-dispersion). Generic numerical methods to discretize PDE are implemented in the software GW-NUM.

  • Current work: refactoring and design of libraries.


Participants : Édouard Canot, Jocelyne Erhel [correspondant] , Souhila Sabit.

  • Version: version 1.0, April 2011

  • APP: registered

  • Programming language: C

  • Abstract: Reactive transport modeling has become an essential tool for understanding complex environmental problems. It is an important issue for MoMaS partners (see section 8.2.7 ), in particular Andra (see section 7.1 ). We have developed a method coupling transport and chemistry, based on a method of lines such that spatial discretization leads to a semi-discrete system of algebraic differential equations (DAE system). The main advantage is to use a complex DAE solver, which controls simultaneously the timestep and the convergence of Newton algorithm. The approach SIA uses a fixed-point method to solve the nonlinear system at each timestep, whereas the approach SNIA uses an explicit scheme.

    The software suite GRT3D has four executable modules:

    • SIA1D: Sequential Iterative Approach for 1D domains;

    • GDAE1D: Global DAE approach for 1D domains;

    • SNIA3D: Sequential Non Iterative Approach for 1D, 2D or 3D domains.

    • GDAE3D: Global DAE approach for 1D, 2D or 3D domains. This module has three variants: the original one with logarithms, an optimized one still with logarithms, an optimized one which does not use logarithms.

  • Current work: extension of the chemistry module and parallelization.


Participant : Géraldine Pichot [correspondant] .

  • Version: version 1.0, November 2013

  • Programming language: C

  • Abstract: SBM (Skew Brownian Motion) is a code developed with A. Lejay (Inria, Nancy). This code allows exact or approximated simulations of the Skew Brownian Motion. This code is used for the simulation, with a Monte-Carlo approach, of a 1D diffusion process with a discontinuous diffusion coefficient. Several benchmark tests are also implemented.

  • Current work: paper about benchmarking results.