Section: Dissemination


  • J. Erhel participated in the Inria workshop on scientific popularization, Paris, January 2013.

  • J. Erhel participated in the Mathematics of Planet Earth Day at UNESCO, Paris, March 2013.

  • J. Erhel gave a talk entitled "la terre se met aux maths", during the week of maths, at lycée Victor and Hélène Basch, Rennes, in March 2013 [59] . See http://www.irisa.fr/sage/jocelyne

  • J. Erhel participated in the panel on "Observer et mesurer la terre", Rencontres CNRS Jeunes Sciences et Citoyens, Ile de France, March 2013 See http://www.scienceouverte.fr/Rencontres-CNRS-Jeunes-Sciences-et,413 and http://www.scienceouverte.fr/-Divers-voyages- [58]

  • J. Erhel was invited to "congrès des jeunes chercheurs", at ISFEC Bretagne, Rennes, April 2013

  • J. Erhel gave a talk with F. Tort (ENS Cachan) entitled "L'informatique, c'est pas pour les filles", at the salon "Educatec-Educatice", Paris, November 2013.

  • J. Erhel coordinated with C. Leininger the journal TDC no 1062 "les mathématiques de la terre", october 2013. See http://www.cndp.fr/tdc/tous-les-numeros/les-mathematiques-de-la-terre.html

  • B. Philippe wrote a review on TDC no 1062. See http://www.interstices.info .

  • J. Erhel wrote a document entitled "sur les traces des polluants", in TDC no 1062 [57] .

  • J. Erhel wrote a paper entitled "Le Jour d’après : vers une réflexion sur les modèles climatiques ", in Interstices [56]

  • J. Erhel wrote two texts in the blog mpt2013: "Henry Darcy et sa loi" [54] and "La diffusion, un moteur universel" [55] .

  • B. Philippe wrote a text in the blog mpt2013: "La terre a du potentiel" [61] See http://mpt2013.fr/ .