Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Editorial responsibilities

Participants : Gilles Celeux, Pascal Massart, Jean-Michel Poggi.

  • Gilles Celeux is Editor-in-Chief of Journal de la SFdS.

    He is Associate Editor of Statistics and Computing, CSBIGS and La Revue Modulad.

  • Pascal Massart is Associated Editor of Annals of Statistics, Confluentes Mathematici, and Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning.

  • Jean-Michel Poggi is Associated Editor of Journal of Statistical Software, Journal de la SFdS and CSBIGS.

Invited conferences

Participants : Gilles Celeux, Jean-Michel Poggi.

  • Gilles Celeux was invited speaker to the annual meeting of the Italian Society of Statistics in Brescia (June 2013), to the joint meeting of the British Classification Society, and the German Classification Society in London (November 2013) and to the Summer Model-Based Clustering working group in Bologna (July 2013).

  • Jean-Michel Poggi was invited speaker at , International worshop Unsupervised Learning and High-dimensional Statistics, ENS Ulm, Paris, 11 (September 2013).

Scientific animation

Participants : Gilles Celeux, Christine Keribin, Erwan Le Pennec, Pascal Massart, Jean-Michel Poggi.

  • Gilles Celeux was Chair of the Program Committee of the Annual Journées de Statistique de la SFdS, Toulouse, May 2013. Gilles Celeux was organizer of the ERCIM 2013 Session Model Selection, London, 14-16 December 2013.

  • Gilles Celeux is member of the CSS of INRA.

  • Gilles Celeux was a member of the scientific committee of SMPGD (Statistical Methods for Post Genomics Data). Christine Keribin is member of the council of the French statistical society (SFdS). Since this year, she organizes conferences for statisticians from various backgrounds (academic, software, companies) to exchange experiences on statistical methods and software http://www.sfds.asso.fr/323-Rendez_vous_SFdS_Methodes_et_Logiciels.

  • Erwan Le Pennec is a member of the Board of the MAS group of the SMAI (french SIAM).

  • Erwan Le Pennec is a member of the Labex AMIES (Agence pour les Mathématiques en Interaction avec les Entreprises et la Société).

  • Erwan Le Pennec and Pascal Massart are members of the C.N.U. (section 26).

  • Pascal Massart is a senior member of the I.U.F.

  • Pascal Massart is a member of the scientific council of the French Mathematical Society.

  • Pascal Massart is a member of the scientific council of the Mathematical Department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris.

  • Jean-Michel Poggi was President of the French statistical society (SFdS).

  • Jean-Michel Poggi is member of the EMS (European Mathematical Society) Committee for Applied Mathematics.

  • Jean-Michel Poggi is Guest Editor (with R. Kenett, A. Pasanisi) of the special issue on Special Issue on Graphical causality models: Trees, Bayesian Networks and Big Data, in Quality Technology and Quantitative Management (QTQM).

  • Jean-Michel Poggi is Editor (with A. Antoniadis, X. Brossat) of a Lecture Notes in Statistics: Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimension, Springer 2014.

  • Jean-Michel Poggi was Member Editorial committee of 2013 Mathématiques pour la planète terre : un jour, une brève, an initiative from Cap’Maths, Inria, INSMI, SFdS, SMAI, SMF for 2013 the year of Mathematics for Planet Earth.

  • Jean-Michel Poggi is Organizer and President of the Scientific committee (with R. Kenett, A. Pasanisi) of the ENBIS-SFdS 2014 Spring Meeting on Graphical causality models: Trees, Bayesian Networks and Big Data, IHP, Paris, 9-11April 2013.

  • Jean-Michel Poggi is Organizer of the meeting Horizons de la Statistique, Paris, IHP, 21 January 2014.

  • Jean-Michel Poggi was organizer of the ERCIM 2013 Session Random forests and related methods: theory and practice, London, 14-16 December 2013