Section: Application Domains
Quantum engineering
A new field of quantum systems engineering has emerged during the last few decades. This field englobes a wide range of applications including nano-electro-mechanical devices, nuclear magnetic resonance applications, quantum chemical synthesis, high resolution measurement devices and finally quantum information processing devices for implementing quantum computation and quantum communication. Recent theoretical and experimental achievements have shown that the quantum dynamics can be studied within the framework of estimation and control theory, but give rise to new models that have not been fully explored yet.
The QUANTIC team's activities are defined at the theoretical and experimental border of this emerging field with an emphasis on the applications in quantum information, computation and communication. The main objective of this interdisciplinary team formed by applied mathematicians (Mazyar Mirrahimi and Pierre Rouchon) and experimental physicists (Benjamin Huard and François Mallet) is to develop quantum devices ensuring a robust processing of quantum information.
On the theory side, this is done by following a system theory approach: we develop estimation and control tools adapted to particular features of quantum systems. The most important features, requiring the development of new engineering methods, are related to the concept of measurement and feedback for composite quantum systems. The destructive and partial nature of measurements for quantum systems lead to major difficulties in extending classical control theory tools. Indeed, design of appropriate measurement protocols and, in the sequel, the corresponding quantum filters estimating the state of the system from the partial measurement record, are themselves bricks of the quantum system theory to be developed.
On the experimental side, we develop new quantum information processing devices based on quantum superconducting circuits. Indeed, by combining superconducting circuits in low temperatures and using techniques from micro-wave measurements, the macroscopic and collective degrees of freedom such as the voltage and the current are forced to behave according to the laws of quantum mechanics. Our quantum devices are aimed to protect and process the quantum information through these integrated circuits.