Section: Software and Platforms

CGAO: Contrôle Glycémique Assisté par Ordinateur

Participants : Alexandre Guerrini, Michel Sorine.

The software CGAO developed with LK2 and P. Kalfon (Hospital Louis Pasteur, Chartres) provides efficient monitoring and control tools that will help physicians and nursing staff to avoid hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia episodes in Intensive Care Units. The controller determines the insulin infusion rate, glucose bolus and scheduling of blood glucose measurement on the basis of the standard available glycaemia measurements. A first version, CGAO_v1, has been used in a large clinical study CGAO-REA (see Section 6.3.1 ). An improved version, CGAO_v2 registered at APP under the number IDDN.FR.001.360019.002.S.P.2009.000.31230 is now used by the company Fresenius Kabi (see Section 7.1 ).