Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ASAP – 2009-2013 (178 kEuros). Apprentissage Statistique par une Architecture Profonde, ANR programme DEFIS 2009 Coordinator Alain Rakotomamonjy, LITIS, Université de Rouen, France;
Participants: Sylvain Chevallier, Hélène Paugam-Moisy, Sébastien Rebecchi, Michèle Sebag.
IOMCA – 2010-2013 (264 kEuros). Including Ontologies in Monte-Carlo Tree Search and Applications, ANR international project coordinated by O. Teytaud (TAO, Inria).
DESCARWIN – 2010-2013 (201 kEuros). Coordinateur P. Savéant, Thalès R&T.
SIMINOLE – 2010-2014 (1180kEuros, 250kEuros for TAO). Large-scale simulation-based probabilistic inference, optimization, and discriminative learning with applications in experimental physics, ANR project, Coordinator B. Kégl (CNRS LAL).
Participants: Balázs Kégl, Djalel Benbouzid, Nikolaus Hansen, Michèle Sebag, Cécile Germain-Renaud
NUMBBO – 2012-2016 (290kEuros for TAO). Analysis, Improvement and Evaluation of Numerical Blackbox Optimizers, ANR project, Coordinator Anne Auger, Inria. Other partners: Dolphin, Inria Lille, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, TU Dortmund
Participants: Anne Auger, Nikolaus Hansen, Marc Schoenauer, Ouassim Ait ElHara
LOGIMA – 2012-2016 (136kEuros for TAO). Logics, structural representations, mathematical morphology and uncertainty for semantic interpretation of images and videos, ANR project, Coordinator Céline Hudelot, MAS-ECP. Other partners: TAO , LTCI-Telecom ParisTech