Section: Dissemination
Within the context of the global constraint catalog :
we provide more exercises (up to 55 currently) with their solution and a web version allowing some interaction will be available in spring 2014.
the effort for converting and completing the 900 figures of the catalog using TikZ has been continued up to a point where beginning 2014 only 150 figures need still to be converted.
Within the context of the library IBEX the following courses were given:
A the 2013 edition of the Fête de la Science (Nantes University):
Two talks on Artificial Intelligence and real time strategy games were given by Florian Richoux.
One talk on Challenges around optimizations problems was given by Xavier Lorca.
One half day discussing and answering questions around the work of professor and researcher in computer science with young persons (17 years old) was spent by Nicolas Beldiceanu.