Section: Dissemination


  • Within the context of the global constraint catalog :

    • we provide more exercises (up to 55 currently) with their solution and a web version allowing some interaction will be available in spring 2014.

    • the effort for converting and completing the 900 figures of the catalog using TikZ has been continued up to a point where beginning 2014 only 150 figures need still to be converted.

  • Within the context of the library IBEX the following courses were given:

    • A workshop in June and December 2013 in Brest (ENSTA).

    • A user oriented course in July 2013 at the doctoral days of the GDR Macs in Strasbourg.

    • A developer oriented course IBEX days in October 2013 in Paris (Ecole des Ponts, Paritech).

  • A the 2013 edition of the Fête de la Science (Nantes University):

    • Two talks on Artificial Intelligence and real time strategy games were given by Florian Richoux.

    • One talk on Challenges around optimizations problems was given by Xavier Lorca.

    • One half day discussing and answering questions around the work of professor and researcher in computer science with young persons (17 years old) was spent by Nicolas Beldiceanu.