Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence (L2): “Principes d'interprétation des langages”, C. Dross (30h), Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Licence (L2): “Mathématiques pour l'Informatique” , C. Paulin (64h), M. Iguernelala (10h), A. Tafat (10h), Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Licence (L3): “Eléments de logique pour l'informatique”, C. Paulin (32h), Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Licence (L3): “Programmation fonctionnelle”, C. Dross (4h), Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Licence Professionnelle «Programmation en environnements répartis» (LP PER): “Programmation concurrente” (L3Pro), A. Paskevich (36h), IUT d'Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Licence (L3): “Programmation fonctionnelle”, M. Clochard (15h), ENSIIE, France

  • Master (M1): “Projet de Programmation”, A. Tafat (42h), Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Master (M1): “Compilation”, A. Tafat (28h), Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Master (M1): “Complément objet”, A. Tafat (12h), Polytech, Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Master (M1): “Compilation”, A. Tafat (12h), Polytech, Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Master (M1): “Projet de Compilation”, A. Tafat (12h), Polytech, Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Master (M2Pro): “XML et Programmation Internet”, A. Tafat (13h), Université Paris-Sud, France

  • Master (M2-agrégation): “Logique”, C. Paulin (21h), Université Paris-Sud and ENS Cachan, France

  • Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) https://wikimpri.dptinfo.ens-cachan.fr/doku.php : “Automated Deduction” (M2-5), S. Conchon (9h), É. Contejean (3h), Université Paris 7, France.

  • Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) https://wikimpri.dptinfo.ens-cachan.fr/doku.php : “Proofs of Programs” http://www.lri.fr/~marche/MPRI-2-36-1/ (M2), C. Marché (12h), G. Melquiond (12h), Université Paris 7, France.

  • DUT (Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie): “Structures de données et algorithmique fondamentale” (S1), C. Lelay (38h, “moniteur” position), IUT d'Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, France.

  • DUT (Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie): “Introduction aux systèmes informatiques” (S1), A. Paskevich (97h), C. Lelay (30h), IUT d'Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, France.

  • DUT (Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie): “Programmation système” (S4), A. Paskevich (48h), IUT d'Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, France.

  • Teaching teachers (“Formation de formateurs”) S. Boldo (3h) January 17th

  • École Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation (EJCP 2013): J.-C. Filliâtre ,“Deductive Program Verification with Why3” (4h) http://why3.lri.fr/ejcp-2013/ .

  • Licence: “Langages de programmation et compilation” (L3), J.-C. Filliâtre (36h), École Normale Supérieure, France

  • Licence: “INF421: Les bases de l'algorithmique et de la programmation” (L3) et “INF431” (L3), J.-C. Filliâtre (70h), École Polytechnique, France


  • PhD: P. Herms, “Certification of a Tool Chain for Verification of C programs” [12] , Univ. Paris-Sud Jan. 14, 2013, C. Marché, B. Monate (CEA-LIST)

  • PhD: M. Iguernelala, “Strengthening the heart of an SMT-solver: Design and implementation of efficient decision procedures” [13] , Univ. Paris-Sud, June 10, 2013, S. Conchon, É. Contejean

  • PhD: A. Tafat, “Preuve par raffinement de programmes avec pointeurs” [14] , Univ. Paris-Sud, Sep. 6, 2013, C. Marché

  • PhD in progress: C. Dross, “Theories and Techniques for Automated Proof of programs”, since Jan. 2011, C. Marché, A. Paskevich, and industrial supervisors Y. Moy and J. Kanig (AdaCore company)

  • PhD in progress: A. Mebsout, “SMT-based Model-Checking”, since Sep. 2011, F. Zaidi, S. Conchon

  • PhD in progress: C. Lelay, “Real numbers for the Coq proof assistant”, since Oct. 2011, S. Boldo, G. Melquiond

  • PhD in progress: S. Dumbrava, “Towards data certification”, since Oct. 2012, V. Benzaken (LRI), É. Contejean

  • PhD in progress: L. Gondelmans, “Obtention de programmes corrects par raffinement dans un langage de haut niveau”, since Oct. 2013, J.-C. Filliâtre, A. Paskevich

  • PhD in progress: M. Clochard, “A unique language for developing programs and prove them at the same time”, since Oct. 2013, C. Marché, A. Paskevich


  • C. Marché: president of the PhD committee of C. Keller, “A Matter of Trust: Skeptical Communication Between Coq and External Provers”, (École Polytechnique, LIX laboratory, June 19, 2013)

  • C. Marché: reviewer, PhD committee of X. Shi “Certification of an Instruction Set Simulator” (University Grenoble, Verimag laboratory, July 10th, 2013)

  • C. Marché: president of the PhD committee of E. Tushkanova “Schematic calculi for the analysis of decision procedures” (University Besançon, FEMTO-ST laboratory, July 19th, 2013)

  • C. Marché: reviewer, PhD committee of H. Debrat “Certification formelle de la correction d'algorithmes de Consensus” (University Nancy, LORIA laboratory, Dec 6th, 2013)

  • C. Marché: president of HDR committee of S. Gérard “Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles” (University Paris-Sud, LISE laboratory of CEA-LIST, Dec 17th, 2013)

  • S. Conchon: president of the PhD committee of L. Gerard “Programmer le parallélisme avec des futures en Heptagon un langage synchrone flot de données et étude des réseaux de Kahn en vue d’une compilation synchrone” (University Paris-Sud, ENS, Sept. 25th, 2013)

  • S. Conchon: president of the PhD committee of J. Cheng “Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization” (University Paris-Sud, Nov. 8th, 2013)

  • S. Conchon: reviewer, PhD committee of M. Farooque “Automated reasoning techniques as proof-search in sequent calculus” (École Polytechnique, Dec. 19th, 2013)

  • J.-C. Filliâtre: reviewer, PhD committee of David Miguel Ramalho Pereira “Towards certified program logics for the verification of imperative programs” (Universidade do Porto, April 18, 2013)

  • J.-C. Filliâtre: reviewer, PhD committee of Jean Fortin “BSP-Why: a Tool for Deductive Verification of BSP Programs” (Université Paris Est, October 14, 2013)

  • J.-C. Filliâtre: reviewer, PhD committee of Maxime Denès “Formal study of efficient algorithms in linear algebra” (Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, November 20, 2013)