Section: Research Program
Formally Verified Programs
This theme of research builds upon our expertise on the development of methods and tools for proving programs, from source codes annotated with specifications to proofs. In the past years, we tackled programs written in mainstream programming languages, with the system Why3 and the front-ends Krakatoa for Java source code, and Frama-C/Jessie for C code. However, Java and C programming languages were designed a long time ago, and certainly not with the objective of formal verification in mind. This raises a lot of difficulties when designing specification languages on top of them, and verification condition generators to analyze them. On the other hand, we designed and/or used the Coq and Why3 languages and tools for performing deductive verification, but those were not designed as programming languages that can be compiled into executable programs.
Thus, a new axis of research we propose is the design of an environment that is aimed to both programming and proving, hence that will allow to develop correct-by-construction programs. To achieve this goal, there are two major axes of theoretical research that needs to be conducted, concerning on the one hand methods required to support genericity and reusability of verified components, and on the other hand the automation of the proof of the verification conditions that will be generated.
Genericity and Reusability of Verified Components
A central ingredient for the success of deductive approaches in program verification is the ability to reuse components that are already proved. This is the only way to scale the deductive approach up to programs of larger size. As for programming languages, a key aspect that allow reusability is genericity. In programming languages, genericity typically means parametricity with respect to data types, e.g. polymorphic types in functional languages like ML, or generic classes in object-oriented languages. Such genericity features are essential for the design of standard libraries of data structures such as search trees, hash tables, etc. or libraries of standard algorithms such as for searching, sorting.
In the context of deductive program verification, designing reusable libraries also requires designing of generic specifications which typically involve parametricity not only with respect to data types but also with respect to other program components. For example, a generic component for sorting an array needs to be parametrized by the type of data in the array but also by the comparison function that will be used. This comparison function is thus another program component that is a parameter of the sorting component. For this parametric component, one needs to specify some requirements, at the logical level (such as being a total ordering relation), but also at the program execution level (like being side-effect free, i.e. comparing of data should not modify the data). Typically such a specification may require higher-order logic.
Another central feature that is needed to design libraries of data structures is the notion of data invariants. For example, for a component providing generic search trees of reasonable efficiency, one would require the trees to remain well-balanced, over all the life time of a program.
This is why the design of reusable verified components requires advanced features, such as higher-order specifications and programs, effect polymorphism and specification of data invariants. Combining such features is considered as an important challenge in the current state of the art (see e.g. [98] ). The well-known proposals for solving it include Separation logic [117] , implicit dynamic frames [115] , and considerate reasoning [116] . Part of our recent research activities were aimed at solving this challenge: first at the level of specifications, e.g. we proposed generic specification constructs upon Java [118] or a system of theory cloning in our system Why3 [2] ; second at the level of programs, which mainly aims at controlling side-effects to avoid unexpected breaking of data invariants, thanks to advanced type checking: approaches based on memory regions, linearity and capability-based type systems [74] , [96] , [55] .
A concrete challenge that should be solved in the future is: what additional constructions should we provide in a specification language like ACSL for C, in order to support modular development of reusable software components? In particular, what would be an adequate notion of module, that would provide a good notion of abstraction, both at the level of program components and at the level of specification components?
Automated Deduction for Program Verification
Verifying that a program meets formal specifications typically amounts to generating verification conditions e.g. using a weakest precondition calculus. These verification conditions are purely logical formulas—typically in first-order logic and involving arithmetic in integers or real numbers—that should be checked to be true. This can be done using either automatic provers or interactive proof assistants. Automatic provers do not need user interaction, but may run forever or give no conclusive answer.
There are several important issues to tackle. Of course, the main general objective is to improve automation as much as possible. We continue our efforts around our own automatic prover Alt-Ergo towards more expressivity, efficiency, and usability, in the context of program verification. More expressivity means that the prover should better support the various theories that we use for modeling. Toward this direction, we aim at designing specialized proof search strategies in Alt-Ergo, directed by rewriting rules, in the spirit of what we did for the theory of associativity and commutativity [7] .
A key challenge also lies in the handling of quantifiers. SMT solvers, including Alt-Ergo, deal with quantifiers with a somewhat ad-hoc mechanism of heuristic instantiation of quantified hypotheses using the so-called triggers that can be given by hand [84] , [85] . This is completely different from resolution-based provers of the TPTP category (E-prover, Vampire, etc.) which use unification to apply quantified premises. A challenge is thus to find the best way to combine these two different approaches of quantifiers. Another challenge is to add some support for higher-order functions and predicates in this SMT context, since as said above, reusable verified components will require higher-order specifications. There are a few solutions that were proposed yet, that amount to encode higher-order goals in first-order ones [96] .
Generally speaking, there are several theories, interesting for program verification, that we would like to add as built-in decision procedures in an SMT context. First, although there already exist decision procedures for variants of bit-vectors, they are not complete enough to support what is needed to reason on programs that manipulate data at the bit-level, in particular if conversions from bit-vectors to integers or floating-point numbers are involved [112] . Regarding floating-point numbers, an important challenge is to integrate in an SMT context a decision procedure like the one implemented in our tool Gappa.
Another goal is to improve the feedback given by automatic provers: failed proof attempts should be turned into potential counterexamples, so as to help debugging programs or specifications. A pragmatic goal would be to allow cooperation with other verification techniques. For instance, testing could be performed on unproved goals. Regarding this cooperation objective, an important goal is a deeper integration of automated procedures in interactive proofs, like it already exists in Isabelle [73] . We now have a Why3 tactic in Coq that we plan to improve.
An Environment for Both Programming and Proving
As said before, a new axis of research we follow is the design of a language and an environment for both programming and proving. We believe that this will be a fruitful approach for designing highly trustable software. This is a similar goal as projects Plaid, Trellys, ATS, or Guru, mentioned above.
The basis of this research direction is the Why3 system, which is in fact a reimplementation from scratch of the former Why tool, that we started in January 2011. This new system supports our research at various levels. It is already used as an intermediate language for deductive verification.
The next step for us is to develop its use as a true programming language. Our objective is to propose a language where programs could be both executed (e.g. thanks to a compiler to, say, OCaml) and proved correct. The language would basically be purely applicative (i.e. without side-effects, e.g. close to ML) but incorporating specifications in its core. There are, however, some programs (e.g. some clever algorithms) where a bit of imperative programming is desirable. Thus, we want to allow some form of imperative features, but in a very controlled way: it should provide a strict form of imperative programming that is clearly more amenable to proof, in particular dealing with data invariants on complex data structures.
As already said before, reusability is a key issue. Our language should propose some form of modules with interfaces abstracting away implementation details. Our plan is to reuse the known ideas of data refinement [108] that was the foundation of the success of the B method. But our language will be less constrained than what is usually the case in such a context, in particular regarding the possibility of sharing data, and the constraints on composition of modules, there will be a need for advanced type systems like those based on regions and permissions.
The development of such a language will be the basis of the new theme regarding the development of certified tools, that is detailed in Section 3.3 below.
Extra Exploratory Axes of Research
Concerning formal verification of programs, there are a few extra exploratory topics that we plan to explore.
Concurrent Programming So far, we only investigated the verification of sequential programs. However, given the spreading of multi-core architectures nowadays, it becomes important to be able to verify concurrent programs. This is known to be a major challenge. We plan to investigate in this direction, but in a very careful way. We believe that the verification of concurrent programs should be done only under restrictive conditions on the possible interleaving of processes. In particular, the access and modification of shared data should be constrained by the programming paradigm, to allow reasonable formal specifications. In this matter, the issues are close to the ones about sharing data between components in sequential programs, and there are already some successful approaches like separation logic, dynamic frames, regions, and permissions.
Resource Analysis The deductive verification approaches are not necessarily limited to functional behavior of programs. For example, a formal termination proof typically provides a bound on the time complexity of the execution. Thus, it is potentially possible to verify resources consumption in this way, e.g. we could prove WCET (Worst Case Execution Times) of programs. Nowadays, WCET analysis is typically performed by abstract interpretation, and is applied on programs with particular shape (e.g. no unbounded iteration, no recursion). Applying deductive verification techniques in this context could allow to establish good bounds on WCET for more general cases of programs.
Other Programming Paradigms We are interested in the application of deductive methods in other cases than imperative programming à la C, Java or Ada. Indeed, in the recent years, we applied proof techniques to randomized programs [1] , to cryptographic programs [54] . We plan to use proof techniques on applications related to databases. We also have plans to support low-level programs such as assembly code [87] , [111] and other unstructured programming paradigm.
We are also investigating more and more applications of SMT solving, e.g. in model-checking approach (for example in Cubicle ( ) [76] ) or abstract interpretation techniques (project Cafein, started in 2013) and also for discharging proof obligations coming from other systems like Atelier B [107] (project BWare).