Section: Dissemination

Education, Popularization

  • S. Conchon and J.-C. Filliâtre were involved in the writing of a new book supporting the new teaching program for the “Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles” [39] .

  • S. Boldo and A. Charguéraud belong to the organization committee of the Castor informatique http://castor-informatique.fr/ , an international competition to present computer science to pupils (from 6ème to terminale). More than 170,000 teenagers played on the more than 30 proposed exercises in November 2013.

  • Since April 2008, S. Boldo is member of the editorial committee of the popular science web site )i(: http://interstices.info/ .

  • S. Boldo, scientific head for Saclay for the MECSI group for networking about computer science popularization inside Inria.

  • S. Boldo, member of the popularization committee, comité de médiation scientifique, of Inria.

  • S. Boldo was among the authors of a document [41] that describes the present and future of popularization at Inria.

  • S. Boldo is responsible for a mission doctorale for popularization. She is in charge of Li Gong of the LIMSI laboratory: he wrote an Interstices article: http://interstices.info/traduction-automatique-statistique .

  • S. Boldo, talk at the Fête de la science 2013 for the laboratory, October 11th.

  • S. Boldo, talk for a general audience at the Courbevoie library, February 9th

  • S. Boldo, talk for teenagers at the lycée Talma de Brunoy, April 23th

  • S. Boldo, talk for mathematics teachers at Rocquencourt, June 5th

  • S. Boldo, “speed-dating” with teenagers at the Halle Forum, October 18th, in an event called “Science au carré(e)”.

  • S. Boldo, article for the French blog celebrating 2013 as the “Mathematics of Planet Earth” year: http://mpt2013.fr/meme-les-ordinateurs-font-des-erreurs/ .

  • C. Lelay tried the 2013 mathematics test of the scientific Baccalaureate in Coq. After the test, a meeting was organized with some teachers and the produced proofs and results were presented.

  • C. Paulin organised at the Fête de la science 2013 an action of Labex DigiCosme to promote the new course “Informatique and Sciences du Numériques” in high-school, a few selected projects developed by students as part of their curriculum were exhibited.