Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 Projects
Participants: Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Adriana Gogonel, Codé Lo, Dorin Maxim and Cristian Maxim.
TRIO team participates to PROARTIS which is a STREP project within the FP7 call and it started on February 2010. It has six partners: Barcelona Supercomputing, University of York, University of Padova, Inria and Airbus. The overarching objective of the PROARTIS project is to facilitate a probabilistic approach to timing analysis. The PROARTIS approach concentrates on proving that pathological timing cases can only arise with negligible probability, instead of struggling to eradicate them, which is arguably not possible and could severely degrade performance. This is a major turn from previous approaches that seek analyzability by predicting with cycle accuracy the state of hardware and software through analysis.
The PROARTIS project facilitates the production of analysable CRTE systems on advanced hardware platforms with features such as memory hierarchies and multi core processors.
This project ended July 2013.
Objectif: Development of probabilistic approaches for mixed-criticality systems on multi-core and many-core platforms
Participants: Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Adriana Gogonel, Codé Lo, Dorin Maxim and Cristian Maxim.
PROXIMA project started on October 1st, 2013 with a kick-off meeting in November 2013.
The PROXIMA hypothesis is that probabilistic analysis techniques can provide efficient (tractable) and effective (tight) analysis of the temporal behaviour of complex mixed-criticality applications on novel multicore and manycore platforms. Solid research results from the FP7 STREP PROARTIS project underpin this claim. The concept is based on using probabilistic analysis techniques to derive safe and tight bounds on the temporal behaviour of applications, reflecting requirements on failure rates commensurate with their criticality. PROXIMA defines architectural paradigms that break the causal dependence in the timing behaviour of execution components at hardware and software level that can give rise to pathological cases, and reduces that risk to quantifiable small levels. Only modest changes will be needed to this end in the hardware and software components beneath the application (processing cores, interconnects, memory hierarchies and controllers, real-time operating system, middleware, compilers).
Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7
European Network of Excellence (NOE) High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilation (HiPEAC)
Participant : Olivier Zendra.
The TRIO team is involved in the HiPEAC 3 (High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation) European Network of Excellence (NoE). Olivier Zendra was initiator and leader in this context of a cluster of European Researchers “Architecture-aware compiler solutions for energy issues in embedded systems” from mid-2007 to mid-2009. A STREP proposal tentatively titled "RuSH2LEAP: Runtime Software-Hardware interactions to Lower Energy And Power" was written at the beginning of 2013, mostly in the context of this network of excellence, for submission in Call ICT 2013.10, challenge 3.4 Advanced computing, embedded and control systems. The proposal passed all thresholds, but failed to be funded.