Section: Research Program
Multimedia Models, Languages and Authoring
Participants : Nicolas Hairon, Yohan Lasorsa, Nabil Layaïda, Jacques Lemordant, Vincent Quint, Cécile Roisin.
We have participated in the international endeavor for defining a standard multimedia document format for the web that accommodates the constraints of different types of terminals. SMIL is the main outcome of this work. It focuses on a modular and scalable XML format that combines efficiently the different dimensions of a multimedia web document: synchronization, layout and linking. Our current work on multimedia formats follows the same trend.
With the advent of HTML5 and its support in all popular browsers, HTML is becoming an important multimedia language. Video and audio can now be embedded in HTML pages without worrying about the availability of plugins. However, animation and synchronization of a HTML5 page still require programming skills. To address this issue, we are developing a scheduler that allows HTML documents to be animated and synchronized in a purely declarative way. This work is based on the SMIL Timing and Synchronization module and the SMIL Timesheets specification. The scheduler is implemented in JavaScript, which makes it usable in any browser. Timesheets can also be used with other XML document languages, such as SVG for instance.
Audio is the poor relation in the web format family. Most contents on the web may be represented in a structured way, such as text in HTML or XML, graphics in SVG, or mathematics in MathML, but sound was left aside with low-level representations that basically only encode the audio signal. Our work on audio formats aims at allowing sound to be on a par with other contents, in such a way it could be easily combined with them in rich multimedia documents that can then be processed safely in advanced applications. More specifically, we have participated in IAsig (Interactive Audio special interest group), an international initiative for creating a new format for interactive audio called iXMF (Interactive eXtensible Music Format). We are now developing A2ML, an XML format for embedded interactive audio, deriving from well-established formats such as iXMF and SMIL. We use it in augmented environments (see section 3.3 ), where virtual, interactive, 3D sounds are combined with the real sonic environment.
Regarding discrete media objects in multimedia documents, popular document languages such as HTML can represent a very broad range of documents, because they contain very general elements that can be used in many different situations. This advantage comes at the price of a low level of semantics attached to the structure. The concepts of microformats and semantic HTML were proposed to tackle this weakness. More recently, RDFa and microdata were introduced with the same goal. These formats add semantics to web pages while taking advantage of the existing HTML infrastructure. With this approach new applications can be deployed smoothly on the web, but authors of web pages have very little help for creating and encoding this kind of semantic markup.
Multimedia documents are considered through several kinds of structures: logical organization, layout, time, linking, animations. We are working on techniques that allow authors of such documents to manipulate all these structures in homogeneous environments. The main objective is to support new advances in document formats without making the authoring task more complex. The key idea is to present simultaneously several views of the document, each view putting the emphasis on a particular structure, and to allow authors to manipulate each view directly and efficiently. As the various structures of a document are not independent from each other, views are“synchronized” to reflect in each of them the consequences of every change made in a particular view. The XML markup, although it can be accessed at any time, is handled by the tools, and authors do not have to worry about syntactical issues.