Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Walid Bechkit is/was reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, Ad-Hoc Networks Journal, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, IEEE ICC 2013, IEEE WCN 2014.
Walid Bechkit is in charge of seminar organization at the CITI laboratory.
Khaled Boussetta is/was TPC member for a number of international conferences, including IEEE ICC, IEEE GlobeCom, IEEE MASS, IEEE VTC (fall/Spring), Wireless Days, Med-Hoc-Net, ICCVE, GIIS.
Khaled Boussetta organized two technical sessions at University of Paris 13, one on Optimization for Networks in July 2013 and a second on Cloud Networks in October 2013.
Marco Fiore was co-chair at IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days'13 for the Track Wireless Models and Simulation.
Marco Fiore is/was TPC member for a number of international conferences, including IEEE SECON 2013/2014, IEEE WoWMoM 2013/2014, IEEE Globecom 2014, IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE VTC-Fall 2013.
Hervé Rivano is TPC member of several international conferences, including IEEE IPDPS 2014 and IEEE ICC 2014.
Hervé Rivano is elected member of the CITI laboratory council.
Razvan Stanica was Session chair for a Networking track session at IEEE WiMob 2013.
Razvan Stanica is/was TPC member for a number of international conferences, including IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE PIMRC 2013, IEEE VTC Spring/Fall 2013.
Razvan Stanica is/was reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, Ad-Hoc Networks Journal, IEEE Communications Magazine, Springer Wireless Networks, Vehicular Communications Journal.
Fabrice Valois is/was TPC member for several international conferences such as: IEEE AINA, IEEE Globecom, IEEE ICC, IEEE VTC, IEEE WCNC, IARIA SensorComm, IEEE WiMob.
Fabrice Valois is in charge of the foreign affairs of the CITI laboratory.
Fabrice Valois is correspondent member of the CITI laboratory for the Labex IMU.
Fabrice Valois is elected member of the CITI laboratory council.