Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

The team received several visitors from foreign research groups in 2013:

  • Farah Ben Naoum, from Sidi Bel Abbes University, Algeria, visited the team last summer for 1 month.

  • Katarina Smolenova, from University of Göttingen, Germany, visited the team last fall for 2 weeks.

  • Jianming Guo, from Canberra, Australia, visited the team for 5 weeks.

  • Xavier Sirault, from Canberra, Australia, visited the team last spring for 2 days.

  • John Fozard, from University of Nothingham, visited the team for 2 days.

  • Eugenio Espinosa, from Universidad de México (UNAM), visited the team last spring for 6 month.

Visits to International Teams

During the year, frédéric Boudon, Pierre Fernique and Jean Baptiste Durand visited Fred Normand of the UR Hortsys at the CIRAD La Réunion in April and November respectively.