Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master Biostatistics. Jointly with Montpellier 1, Montpellier 2 Universities and Agro-Montpellier.

    Yann Guédon teaches the stochastic modeling course ( http://www.agro-montpellier.fr/um2/um1/masterbiostatistique ). This involves 21h of M2 classes.

  • Christophe Godin was responsible for a class of Master 2 on 'Plant modeling' with participation of Yann Guédon, Christophe Pradal, Frédéric Boudon and Christian Fournier at the University of Montpellier 2 (M2 - 25h).

  • Christophe Godin gave a class of Master 2 on 'Phyllotaxy' in the Master of Biology at the University of Montpellier 2 (M2 - 4h).

  • Christophe Godin gave a class of Master 2 on 'Plant modeling' in the module plant and animal Morphogenesis of the Master in biology at ENS-Paris organized by Patrick Lemaire (M2 - 4h).

  • Christophe Godin and Yann Guédon participated to the module iPlant in the Master of bioinformatic and biomathematics (University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Sénégal) (M2 - 12h).

  • Christophe Pradal and Christian Fournier taught the Master class "Impact de l'architecture sur la propagation des maladies foliaires" in the module 'Démarches de modélisation' in Montpellier SupAgro (15h).


  • PhD in progress : Mathilde Balduzzi, "Geometric modeling of plant canopy from 3D scanner images: Combined use of 3D information and reflected intensity for meshing", Montpellier 2 University, C. Godin, F. Tardieu.

  • PhD in progress : Jonathan Legrand, "Hormon signaling and control of morphogenesis during flower development", ENS Lyon, P. Das, Y. Guedon.

  • PhD : Jean Peyhardi, "A new generalized linear model (GLM) framework for analysing categorical data; application to plant structure and development", Montpellier 2 University. Y. Guédon, C. Trottier.

  • PhD in progress : Pierre Fernique, "Hidden transition models for the phenotyping of plant architecture in relation to environmental and genetic factors", Montpellier 2 University. Y. Guédon, J.-B. Durand.

  • PhD in progress : Léo Guignard, "Segmentation, visualization and mechanical modeling of embryonic development in the ascidian", Montpellier 2 University, C. Godin, P. Lemaire.

  • PhD in progress : Maryline Lièvre, "Analysis and multiscale modeling of foliar growh in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to environmental stresses. Implication of the floral transition in the foliar expansion", Montpellier 2 University, C. Granier, Y. Guédon.

  • PhD in progress : Guillaume Garin, "Développement d’un cadre générique de modélisation du couple plante – agent pathogène dans OpenAlea et d’une méthodologie de transfert vers un Outil d’Aide à la Décision", Montpellier 2 University, C. Robert, B. Andrieu, C. Pradal, C. Fournier.

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Philippe Bernard, "Adaptive mechanical model of early flower development based on 4D imaging", Montpellier 2 University, C. Godin, B. Gilles.

  • PhD in progress : Beatriz Moreno Ortega, "Analysis and modeling of metabolic and hormonal controls of lateral root growth during their ontogeny. Application to the impact of water stress on the root architecture", Montpellier SupAgro, B. Muller, Y. Guédon.

  • PhD in progress : Sixtine Passot, "Adaptation of millet root architecture : Phenotyping and spatio-temporal analysis of growing root systems", Montpellier 2 University, L. Laplaze, Y. Guédon.


Frédéric Boudon was a member of the jury of the PhD defense of Jerome Guenard, from University of Toulouse. Christophe Pradal participated to the PhD committee of Christophe Lecarpentier.

Christophe Godin was a Jury member of the PhD Thesis of Julien Lavenus held in October on the Analysis of the Gene Regulatory Network Controlling Lateral Root Initiation and Patterning Using Systems Biology Approach.