Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Christian Fournier, Christophe Pradal, Frédéric Boudon.

Other participants : Bruno Andrieu, Michael Chelle, Gaëtan Louarn, Benoit de Solan, Mariem Abichou, Liqi Han, Elmer Ccopa-Rivera, Frédéric Baret, Rafaële Casa, Guillaume Garin, Corinne Robert, Sébastien Saint-Jean, Didier Combes, Camille Chambon, Romain Barillot, Jean-Christophe Soulie, Delphine Luquet.

The Alinea software suite is distributed as a meta-package of the OpenAlea Platform. It is produced by a consortium of modelers from INRA , and consists of various ecophysiological and biophysical models of simulation (radiative transfer, interaction between plant and pest, circulation of hydric fluxes, and dispersion). The project is suported by 5 INRA teams and the Inria Virtual Plants project. This project has been homologated as strategic ressource for INRA, and is integrated in the CATI IUMA (Centre Automatisé de Traitement de l’Information, : Informatisation et Utilisation des Modèles dédiés aux Agro-Ecosystemes). The five following components are distributed with the OpenAlea platform:

  • Alinea.Adel is a module to simulate the 3D architectural development of gramineous crops. In 2013, a new parameterisation procedure was developed for wheat, that allows to use the model for the simulation of agronomic experiments with a minimal set of measurements [28] .

  • Alinea.Alep is a generic model developed in 2013 to simulate pathosystems from the scale of leaf to the scale of the canopy

  • Alinea.Caribu is a modeling suite for lighting 3D virtual scenes, especially designed for the illumination of virtual plant canopies such as virtual crop fields. It uses a special algorithm, the nested radiosity, that allows for a precise estimation of light absorption at the level of small canopy elements.

  • Alinea.pyRATP allows to simulate the light interception, photosynthesis and transpiration of a plant canopy.

  • Alinea.TopVine is a component to reconstruct grapevine canopy structure. Other components are in developmental state and will be released after publication by their autors.