Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Editorial board of journals

  • C. Barillot is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IEEE-TMI).

  • C. Barillot is Associate Editor of Medical Image Analysis (MedIA).

  • C. Barillot is Associate Editor of ISRN Signal Processing.

  • C. Barillot is Associate Editor of Current Medical Imaging Reviews.

  • C. Barillot serves in the peer review committee of the Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography.

  • C. Barillot serves in the peer review committee of Neuroimage.

  • P. Maurel serves in the peer review committee of Frontiers in Neurosciences

Workshop/Symposium Organization

Peer Reviews of journals

  • IEEE TIP (CB), Medical Image Analysis (CB), NeuroImage (CB), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CB), Phys. Med. Biol. (CB), Comp. in Biol & Med. (CB), J. of Neuroscience Methods (CB), Image and Vision Computing (CB), JMIV (CB), NeuroBiology of Aging (IC).

Technical Program Committees (TPC) of conferences

  • C. Barillot was area chair of Miccai 2012, SPIE 2012, TPC member of MICCAI workshops DCICTIA 2012, ICSS 2012, MBIA 2012, and MCV 2012, TPC member of IEEE CBMS 2012, ICPR 2012, ESMRMb 2012, SFRMBM 2012, ECR/imaGine 2011.

  • S. Prima was TPC member of MeshMed'2013.

  • P. Maurel was TPC member of MICCAI'2013.

  • O. Commowick was TPC member of MICCAI'2013, IEEE ISBI'2013.

Scientific societies

  • C. Barillot is member of the Board of Directors of IPMI (Information Processing in Medical Imaging)

  • C. Barillot is member of IEEE EMBS

  • C. Barillot is senior member of IEEE

  • C. Barillot is member of the European Society of Molecular Imaging (ESMI)

  • C. Barillot, O. Commowick, P Maurel and S. Prima are members of the MICCAI society

  • E. Bannier, C. Barillot and I. Corouge are members of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMb)