Section: Application Domains
Modelling of anatomical and anatomo-functional neurological patterns
The major objective within this application domain is to build anatomical and functional brain atlases in the context of functional mapping and for the study of developmental, neurodegenerative or even psychiatric brain diseases (Multiple sclerosis, Epilepsy, Parkinson, Dysphasia, Depression or even Alzheimer). This is a very competitive research domain; our contribution is based on our previous works in this field, and by continuing our local and wider collaborations.
An additional objective within this application domain is to find new descriptors to study the brain anatomy and/or function (e.g. variation of brain perfusion, evolution in shape and size of an anatomical structure in relation with pathology or functional patterns, computation of asymmetries ...). This is also a very critical research domain, especially for many developmental or neurodegenerative brain diseases.