Section: New Results

Image processing on Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Statistical Analysis of White Matter Integrity for the Clinical Study of Specific Language Impairment in Children

Participants : Olivier Commowick, Camille Maumet, Aymeric Stamm, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Christian Barillot.

Children affected by Specific Language Impairment (SLI) fail to develop a normal language capability. To date, the etiology of SLI remains largely unknown. It induces difficulties with oral language which cannot be directly attributed to intellectual deficit or other developmental delay. Whereas previous studies on SLI focused on the psychological and genetic aspects of the pathology, few imaging studies investigated defaults in neuroanatomy or brain function. We have proposed [53] to investigate the integrity of white matter in SLI thanks to diffusion Magnetic Res- onance Imaging. An exploratory analysis was performed without a priori on the impaired regions. A region of interest statistical analysis was performed based, first, on regions defined from Catani's atlas and, then, on tractography-based regions. Both the mean fractional anisotropy and mean apparent diffusion coefficient were compared across groups. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study focusing on white matter integrity in specific language impairment. 22 children with SLI and 19 typically developing children were involved in this study. Overall, the tractography-based approach to group comparison was more sensitive than the classical ROI-based approach. Group differences between controls and SLI patients included decreases in FA in both the perisylvian and ventral pathways of language, comforting findings from previous functional studies.

Adaptive Multi-modal Particle Filtering for Probabilistic White Matter Tractography

Participants : Aymeric Stamm, Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot.

Particle filtering has recently been introduced to perform probabilistic tractography in conjunction with DTI and Q-Ball models to estimate the diffusion information. Particle filters are particularly well adapted to the tractography problem as they offer a way to approximate a probability distribution over all paths originated from a specified voxel, given the diffusion information. In practice however, they often fail at consistently capturing the multi-modality of the target distribution. For brain white matter tractography, this means that multiple fiber pathways are unlikely to be tracked over extended volumes. We have proposed [51] to remedy this issue by formulating the filtering distribution as an adaptive M-component non-parametric mixture model. Such a formulation preserves all the properties of a classical particle filter while improving multi-modality capture. We apply this multi-modal particle filter to both DTI and Q-Ball models and propose to estimate dynamically the number of modes of the filtering distribution. We show on synthetic and real data how this algorithm outperforms the previous versions proposed in the literature.

Tracking the Cortico-Spinal Tract from Low Spatial and Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI

Participants : Aymeric Stamm, Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot.

We have participated to the annual MICCAI workshop on DTI tractography [52] . We presented a pipeline to reconstruct the corticospinal tract (CST) that connects the spinal cord to the motor cortex. The proposed method combines a new geometry-based multi-compartment diffusion model coined Diffusion Directions Imaging and a new adaptive multi-modal particle filter for tractography. The DTI Tractography challenge proposes to test our methods in the context of neurosurgical planning of tumor removal, where very low spatial and angular resolution diffusion data is available due to severe acquisition time constraints. We took up the challenge and present our reconstructed CSTs derived from a single-shell acquisition scheme at b = 1000 s/mm2 with only 20 or 30 diffusion gradients (low angular resolution) and with images of 5 mm slice thickness (low spatial resolution).